Part 12

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"Sounds like a plan." He smiles.

I'll be honest, when he smiles it's not genuine. On the outside he's tough, funny, cute, but on the inside he's broken.

Even though we're 'friends' it hurts me that he has to fake his happiness, and such. But it is what it is.

We get downstairs, and I head to the fridge for mint chocolate chip ice cream, my favorite.

"Columbia?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Columbia. In New York?"

"Oh. Yeah. I really want to go there." I say.

"That's cool."

"Yeah, not to sound vane or anything, but I have the brains to get in, but I don't have the money."

"Really? I thought your paren--..." He starts, but trails off. "I'm sorry, Tris. I-I didn't mean to I swear."

"Four, it's fine. And no, the life insurance people only give me enough money to pay the house bills and such."

"No college?"

"Did I say college?" I ask.


"So the answer is no."

"That sucks."

"Yeah, but who knows, maybe the money from my four jobs will equal up to what I need, but I doubt it." I sigh.

"Or..." He starts.


"Or you could go on a scholarship."

"Oh. Maybe."

"Yeah, you're smart enough."

"How would you know?" I ask walking to the couch where he is.

"I just know."

"Okaaayyy then." I say awkwardly.

"So what are we watching?"


"Oh God." He starts.


"Please don't do this Tris."


"Tris, stop."


"TRIS! Please don't make me." He says.

"I didn't make you do anything. If memory serves me you're the one who broke into my window, and insited on staying."

"Yeah I know, but please don't make me."

"Look, it's not that bad. I mean like it does have steamy scenes in it, but don't guys like seeing things on girls?"

"Well uh..."

"Exactly, so shut up."

[Halfway through the movie]

"I have to take a piss I will be back." Four declares.


[Four POV]

Okay so I do not have to pee, I must take care of a slightly more embarassing situation......a boner.

The only thing is, is that I'm not sure what caused it. I know it sounds perveted, but hear me out.

Okay so I'm not sure if I'm aroused by the fact that there is a pretty hot girl on screen with nothing but a blind fold on or, I hate to say it, Tris.

But it can't be Tris.

Well she does have nothing on but some booty shorts and a crop top? They are called crop tops right? I think so.

Anyway I've been in here to long. I think the cold water worked, so I can go back out now.

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