Part 16

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[Same day as part 15]

Oh boy, time for science! NOT! I hate it.

I plop into my chair, and pull out my computer for the class.

"Hello class, today we will be getting a new student today." Mrs. Mathews says.

Okay whatever.

"Four Eaton."

Kill me.

"Have a seat." She says.

He heads to the seat next to me, and plops down next to me.

"Wise choice. Ms. Prior is one of my best students." She says, I fake smile, Four just nods. "Okay class go to the website written on the board."

We all do as we're told.

I'm staring at my screen when a little screen pops up. It reads:

Four Eaton has sent you a message.
Accept invitation, Decline invitation.

DECLINE, DON'T YOU DARE ACCEPT!!! My self concious says. But my hand moves the mouse over to the accept invitation side.

Four- We need to talk.

Tris- About what? How you called me a freak? How you're back with Lauren? How you showed up at my house at 2 am drunk? How you just left my house the next day without a note or anything? Or how Christina and Shauna left your pitiful group? Choose one.

Four- Let's start with the freak thing.

Tris- Look I don't have time for this okay? I don't text, I.M., D.M., talk, or e-mail during classes. Good bye Four.

[Four POV]

Good bye Four? What's that supposed to mean? Does she mean good bye like I'm not texting you anymore, or good bye good bye like she doesn't ever want to talk to me again.

[Tris POV]

I'll be honest, I don't know what I meant at the goodbye Four part. I'm just fed up with his b.s.

[End of class]

"See you Friday." Mrs. Mathews says.

I'm about to walk away from my seat, but a strong hand grabs my arm.

"Tris." He says.

"Four, let go of me." I say. He doesn't, he just turns me around to face him.

"Tris, I-..." I cut him off.

"Four, let me go." I sterner this time. "I don't have time for your shit."

"But plea-..." He gets cut off, but not by me this time, but by Mrs. Mathews.

"Tris I need to talk to you in private. Four please leave." She asks.

He squeezes my arm a little, then lets go, and exits the classroom, closing the door behind him.

"Yes Mrs. Mathews?" I ask.

"I didn't really need anything, I just saw that he wouldn't let you go."


"Thank you so much Mrs. Mathews."

"No problem. Have a nice day."

"Thanks. You do likewise." I say, and exit.

[At the bar]

"Hey Amar." I say.

"Hey T. What's up?"

"Nothing much, how 'bout you?"

"'Bout to get off." He says.

"Getting off early I see."

"Yup, it's my mother's birthday, and we're throwing her a surprise birthday party."

"Oh that's cool, I'm surprised he's letting you get off early."

"Well he's not really, he's taking twenty dollars out of my salary." Amar says.

"There's the Eric we know." I say.

"Yup." He says. Just as he says that Peter walks out of Eric's office, looks at me then looks away.

"WOAH!" I say loudly. "What happened to his eye?" I ask Amar.

"Not sure, all I know is that Eric fired Peter, and we're getting a new employee today."

"Oh that's good, why was he fired?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure it had something to do with whatever what he said to you."

"That doesn't sound like a reason Eric would fire someone."

"Maybe, maybe not, I dunno'. All I know is I have to go if I'm gonna make the party on time." He says. He gives me a hug then leaves.

Just as he leaves, a very handsome butthole walks through the door.

"What are you doing here, Four?" I ask. "I'm not going to talk to you, at least not here. So you might as well leave."

"Ready for your first shift?" Eric says walking up to Four.

"First shift?" I repeat.


"Yup I work here now."

"B-but he's too young, he's 17."

"Not really, Tris. His birthday is in a few months. And I think we all know you're a little young yourself." Eric says. I just roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I say.

"Yeah, so get to work." Eric says. "Both of you."

I walk over to the sink to wash some glasses.

"You can't ignore me forever." He says, standing next to me.

"I can try can't I?"

"At least you said something." He says. I walk away from the sink. He picks up something made entirely made of glass.

"Don't break that, it was expensive."

Kind of like my heart.

A man is shown through the glass doors of the bar, about to enter.

Is that, Marcus. He has a son named Tobias and that's Four's real name. Oh God, if he see's Four, he's dead.

"Four! Get down. Quick." I warn him.

"What why?" He asks.

"Your dad. H-he's here, get down." I say once again.

"Shit." He says, then squats down.

Marcus walks to where I am, and takes a seat.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Eaton. How are you today?" I ask.

"I'm good, how are you?"

I'm awful, because your son is being a jerk.

"I'm great. What can I get you today?"

"The regular, please."

"Coming right up sir." I make the drink, and hand it to him.

"Thanks Beatrice."

"No problem." I say.

I purposely drop my towel, but I make it look like an accident so I can talk to Four.

"Dude when your dad comes here he stays here for like hours. So what are you gonna do?" I whisper.

"I don't know, but Tris, I cannot get caught, I-I can't risk the beating I'll get when I get home. Tris I just can't get caught." He whispers back. He looks so scared, I feel so bad him.

No Tris, you're mad at him.

"Okay okay, uhh lemme think." I pause. "Okay I got it, I'm gonna go to pretend to go to the break room, and when I open the door you'll crawl in, and you will stay there 'till he leaves. Got it?" I whisper.

"Got it." He whispers back.

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