Part 26

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[Same night as Part 25]

"Nothing Yet, come onnn," I whine, "It's time for you to go home! It's 12:00 am, and I'm tired."

"Tris, plea-"

"I'm on my period." I say.

"I will see you tomorrow." He says grabbing his sweatshirt.

"Mhmm." I say, as he walks out the door. I close the door.

Bang bang bang!


I open the door and he stands there with a cute/goofy smile on his face. "I Love you Tris."

"I love you too, Nothing Yet." I give him a quick peck on the lips, and then he leaves.

I actually love him. And he loves me.

[1:00 in the morning]

Alert alert your boyfriend is calling. Alert alert your boyfriend is calling.
Alert aler-.

"H-hello?" I ask on the phone.

"Tris? Tris! I-I-I-I need you! P-p-please hurry."

"Oh my God, okay I'm on my way." I jump out of my bed, put on my slippers, grab a jacket, and I'm out the door.

[Tris driving down the street]

"Okay God, I know I don't talk to you often anymore, but please if Four or Nothing Yet or whatever he wants me to call him is okay I swear to you I will do whatever you want me to. Please God. Amen." I whisper to myself as I drive down the street to his place.

I arrive and basically jump out the car, not bothering to lock the car door.

Four, I'm just gonna call him that for now, is sitting on his doorstep with his hands on the back of his head, looking down.

I rush to him. "Four!" He looks up. He's been...crying. I kneel down to him. "Four. Four baby, w-what's wrong? Four speak to me." I whisper. Instead of him talking he just points into his house.

I stand up and walk into his house. Everything's ram sacked. There's broken glass everywhere. Graffiti on the walls, holes in the walls. There's a wall with a bunch of cable plugs on it, but connected to nothing.

He's been robbed.

I walk to his upstairs and into the bathroom, there's medicine pills scattered all over the floor and some in the toilet. I turn to the mirror, and there's a message on the mirror that looks to be written in red lipstick. It reads:

She's next

Kisses? What is this? Pretty Little Liars?

She's next? That means me right? Shit.

P.L.J. Peter, Lauren, J.P. Wow, I knew they were devious, but not this devious.

I walk back downstairs, and outside, and sit next to Four on the porch step.

"Wow." I say.

"Yeah." He whispers. "Do you know what this means?"


"M-my crazy, fucked up dad is gonna beat the shit out of me. Think about it. He beats me now for no good reason. Now he has a reason."

"No, you didn't do it. He'll understand, right?" I ask.

"Yup, because my dad is soooo understanding."

"Well, we could call the police."

"Yeah, yeah I-I guess we could do that."

"Four." I say.

"Tris Prior?"

"Everything's gonna be alright. Okay?"

"Okay." He says.

"Besides we know who did it."

"We do?"

"Yeah. You didn't see your bathroom?"

"They went upstairs too?! My God." He says.

"Yeah. They kind of threatend me." I say. He slowly lifts his head to look at me.

"What?" He croaks out.

"Yeah, go check in your bathroom."

[Four comes back from checking]

"There was nothing there." He says.

"What?!" I say. I run into the house, then upstairs to the bathroom, and like he said there was nothing there. All the pills are picked up, and worse the mirror was wiped clean. "No no NO! T-t-t-there were pills all over the floor, a-a-and there was a message on the wall saying 'she's next, kisses, P.L.J.'"

[Four POV]

Buzz buzz.

I click on my phone.

Unknown number

She's next.

"Tris." I say.

"What Four? WHAT?!"

"I believe you."

"I'M NOT CRAZY! I-I KNOW IT WAS THERE! I SWE- wait. Did you say you believe me?"

"Yeah." I say showing her the text. "Yeah think we should get some sleep."

"Yeah, o-okay. I'll give you a ride to my place."

[At Tris' house: Tris POV]

"Come on, let's go to bed." I say gesturing upstairs.

"Tris Prior, are you inviting me to your bedroom?" He says smirking.

"To sleep."

"Yeah sure."

"Come on, Fourrr." I whine.

"I'm coming." He says following me upstairs, into my room. "Can I sleep on the bed this time?"


"Please. I won't try anything. And plus we're a couple. And your bed is big enough for the both of us."

"Fine." I say crawling into bed, while he takes his shirt off...HOT DAMN! "Your scars seem to be healing."

"Yeah, Marcus hasn't been here for two weeks, so that's good."

"Yeah." I say pausing for a second. "Four." I whisper.


"A scary thought just crossed my mind. What if you were in the house during the break in? W-what would've happened? They could've hurt you." I say.

Four gets in bed with me and turns torwards me. "I would've been okay. I know how to take care of myself."

"Yeah, but like it would've been three against one. And while you are big and tough and scary, they're the same way. The thought of you getting hurt, because of me just, it just, breaks my heart."

"Tris none of this, is because of you okay?"

"Okay." I whisper, unconvinced.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too."

"I love you three." He says.

"I love you Four." I say, now realizing the joke. "Oh wait..." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight Tris."

"Goodnight Four." I say.



"My name is Tobias, only you can call me that."

"Okay. Goodnight...Tobias."



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