Part 27

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[The next day]

Tobias...Tobias...Toooobiasssss...Tobiiiiiiias. Sorry, I'm just getting used to his 'new' name.

"Morning Tris." He says with a raspy voice. God he sounds heavenly.

"Morning, Tobiasss." I say, he chuckles.

"What's on the agenda for today?"

"Well let's see, I have a test for world history tomorrow, I have a science test, and I have an essay to write. Oh and guess what? You have those classes with me, so you get to do those things also." I say.

"Great, so lazer tag?" He says.

"Dude, did you hear me?"

"Yeah. You said, 'Blah blah blah...Tobias is sooo hot...blah blah blah...Tobias is the best boyfriend...blah blah blah...let's go play lazer tag."

"Oh my gosh, Tobias. I would love to go lazer tagging, b-" He cuts me off.

"Great! We leave at two." He says jumping up and running downstairs, before I have time to reject him.

"I hate to have to inform you, but we have some police people to talk to." I say running after him.

"Fuck." He says.

"Yeah, so put your shirt on and let's go." I say.

"Ughhh okay."

I walk into my bathroom, and look for the pills I must take each morning. But I don't see them. Oh my God. Where are they?! I start throwing everything out of my medicine cabinet looking for my pills. I must've been causing a lot of noise because Fou-Tobias came upstairs to check on me.

"Tris." I ignore him. "Tris." I ignore him. "TRIS!" He grabs hold of my frantic body.

[Four POV]

"T-T-THEY AREN'T HERE! WHERE ARE THEY? OH MY GOD! I-I-I CAN'T FIND THEM!" Tris screams, then she starts to whisper to herself. "Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. W-where are they, I need them." Then she starts hyperventilating.

"Tris." I say in more of a question than a statement. "Tris." I say again, but she's still hyperventilating. "TRIS!" I shout.



"What's going on?" I say a little taken back by what just happened.

"My pills, t-they're gone." She says sobbing into my chest.

Drugs? God, please don't let it be drugs. Anything, but drugs.

"I dunno what I'm gonna do."

"What pills, Tris?" I ask, and she slowly peels away from my shirt.

"When I was little, like, five, I started having siezures, and I never really got cured," she puts air quotes around 'cured', "and so to this day, I take medicine so I don't have seizures during my day. I accidently skipped one day without taking them, and the doctors told me I was lucky to be alive." She says extremely fast, and fiddling her fingers at the same time.

"Okay, okay, calm down first. Deep breaths." I say soothingly, or at least try to. She does as I say, and once she's calmed down I speak again. "Let's just get some more."

"Two things wrong with that, my medicine isn't just something on shelves, okay? My doctor has to call it in. And second I get a whole new refill yesterday, and you can't order the medicine more than three times a month and that was my third order. It's suposed to last me two weeks."

"Well then. I think we all know who did this." I say.

"I swear, the next time I see them I'm gonna kill them...that is if I don't die first." She says.

"Tris you're not gonna die. Okay, never say that. And we'll take you to the hospital, just in case something were to happen."

"I think I'll be fine." She says.

"Tris, no. We're going to the hospital." I say.

"Tobias, I'm fine."

"Come on Tris, just go to the hospital."


"Okay, fine." I concede.

[Thirty minutes later: Tris POV]

"Ready?" Tobias asks.

"Yeah, but uh can you drive?" I ask him.

"Yes!" I can see relief in his eyes.

"Am I really that bad a driver?" I ask in mock hurt.

"No, it's just if you have a seiz-"

"I get it." I say cutting him off. "Let's go."

[Fifteen minutes later]

We pull up to a super tall and wide building, with smaller buildings around it. This does not look like the police station. I look around and see people being pushed around in wheelchairs, and people with doctor outfits. Oh my God.


"I'm sorry Tris. I-I just can't risk something happening to you. I just I haven't felt the way I feel about you since my mom passed away. If something happens to you, and I know I could've stopped it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

He really loves me.

"Please just do it for me."

"Uggghhh fine." I say. I mean maybe the guy has a point.

"Thanks, now let's go get you checked in."

The moment I stepped into the hospital it reminded me of when my best friend passed away.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but quickly wiped it away so Tobias wouldn't see me.

[Ten minutes later]

"Tris Prior." One of the nurses said. Me and Tobias both walked up. I couldn't help, but notice she was checking him out, so I just grabbed his hand. "You'll be staying in room 64."

I let out a breath. "Okay. Well love you." I tell Tobias.

"Love you too." He says giving me a kiss on the forehead."I'll be over after I go to the police station."


"Be brave." He says.

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