Part 28

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[Tobias POV]

"Hey, can I talk to some detective guy or something?" I ask a man behind the desk in the police station.

"How urgent is the situation?" He says sounding bored.

"My house is a mess; like things are destroyed and missing, and my girlfriend's pills are missing. How urgent do you think it is?" I spit at him.

"HEY MRS. JOHN!" The guys yells. Within seconds a somewhat short lady with blue eyes, a hooked nose, and kinda high cheekbones apears. Oddly enough she looks familiar. Like really familiar.

[Mrs. John POV]

[Tobias POV]

"Hey, Mrs. John, I'm Four." I say extending my hand out for her to shake.

"Well, I am of course Mrs. John. H-how may I uh help you?"

"Well someone robbed and destroyed things in my house, and stole some prescription pills from my girlfriend. I bet it was the same people that robbed me and shit."

"What makes you think it was more than one person?" She asks.

"This text." I say showing her the text on my phone.

"Yes, or it could be someone's intials, like their first, middle, and last name."

"Who in their right mind would leave that much information about themselves?" I say slightly annoyed.

"Okay then. Do you have any idea as to who these 'people'," she puts air quotes around people, "are?"

"Yes." I say very annoyed.

"Okay who?" She asks grabbing a pen and paper.

"Okay, this guy named Peter Hayes, then there's Jerome Parsons, then my ex, Lauren," I pause when I'm supposed to say her last name. What is her last name? Wow. "I don't know her last name."

"Wait, you don't know your ex's last name?" She asks dumbfounded.

"Well I wouldn't say she was really my ex. She was more of a booty call."

"That's disgusting. You should feel awful."

"Chill woman, so are you gonna help me or do I need to call someone else." I ask.

"Okay, so look you said something about pills right?" She asks aggitated.


"Okay well to start out I think we should do a locker search at your school."

"Who the fuck would keep stolen pills in their lockers?"

"Aye man watch your mouth." A police officer says walking up to Mrs. John sliding his arm on her shoulders.

"Or else what?" I question. He holds up hand cuffs. "You can't do that." I smirk. "I didn't do anything except use my freedom of speech. So go ahead and put those things away." I smile a fake smile.

He puts the handcuffs away and says. "I got to go honey, I'll see you at home." The cop says kissing Mrs. John on the cheek.

"Okay." She says then turns her attention back to me. "So yeah, what school do you go to?"

"Roth High."

"Okay." She says. "We'll come by tomorrow, but you can't tell anyone. Understand?"

"Yeah, I get it." I say. "'Till then." I say walking out.

[At the hospital: Still Tobias POV]

I knock before entering. "Hey Tris." I say in a hushed tone.

"Hey Tobias." She says. "How'd it go?"

"It went well. I'll tell you more at home." I say.


"Did you have any issues?" I ask.

"Nope. They said I could go home once you got here."

"Okay cool. So like are they gonna give you anymore medicine?"

"Yeah, they gave me three pills." She says.

"Okay, well are you ready to go?"

"Yup, let's do this."

[Next day at school: Tris POV; 3rd block]

I am in art class right now, and must I say, it's not very fun. We're just sitting here learning about different paint brush strokes.

So like I said we're just sitting here, when a voice comes over the intercom.

"Good afternoon students. We will be conducting a locker search at this moment, so please stand up and go to your lockers. But DO NOT open them. I repeat DO NOT open your lockers."

We all stand up and do as she says. I get to my locker and see Tobias. He looks at me and smirks. I can't help, but see the nervous look on Lauren's ugly face.

The police came to my locker, and checked it.

"CLEAR!" He says.

He goes to Tobias' locker. "CLEAR!" Then he goes to Peter's locker. "CLEAR!" Then goes to Lauren's locker. "F.S." He says. Another police man comes and examines what they found. "Young lady, please follow us." One of the police officers says.

I turn to Tobias and grin, and he does the same. Sweet sweet revenge.


PLEASE DON'T HATE ME! I meant to update yesterday, but my family and I took a trip to Hilton Head. And yes I know the chapter sucks, but I think the next one will be better. LOVE Y'ALL

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