Part 25

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[Same night as the babysitting]

"So what'd you think?" Four asks.

"Think about what?"

"About Molly."

"I have mixed feelings about her. It's weird, one minute she's cussing and being rude, then the next minute she was serious."

"Would you babysit her again?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think I would." I say opening my car door. "Hey so do you wanna come over?"

"To chill and watch netflix?" He smirks.

"Four, I'm serious. Only to chill and watch netflix."

"Sure." He smirks again leaning against his car. He looks so freakin' hot! "Are you just gonna stare at me all evening or are you gonna drive home?"

"I was not staring at you." I lie.

"Yeah sure."

"Byeee Four." I say getting in my car. And he gets on his motorcycle. I really hate those things.

[At Tris' house]

"I beat you." Four says.

"You were on a freakin' motorcycle."

"Whatever." He says. We both walk to my porch and enter my house.

"So what ya wan-" I get cut off by his lips, and pushed up against the door. His hands trail to my hips, then to my thighs. He picks me up and just by instinct I wrap my legs around his waist. Then I wrap my arms around his neck.

I pull away for air, but he starts leaving feather like kisses down my neck, then up to my jaw. A soft moan leaves my lips. HOLY CRAP! I feel my cheeks heat up from embarassment. I feel Four smile against my skin, and he keeps going.

He walks over to the couch, carrying me with him. He then lays me down on it, and he gets on top of me, supporting himself with his elbows on either side of my head. I feel all of him on me, including 'little him'. Things got heated fast.

"I thought we were supposed to be watching Netflix." I say breathing kind of fast. I'm not sure if I'm breathing hard because I'm nervous or because we've been kissing for a while and I needed to catch my breath.

"Yeah, well..." He says equally as out of breath as me.

"Four, I-I think we should stop." I say, scared of what his reaction might be. He stops immediately, and gets off of me. "Four, I-I'm sor-" I start, but get cut off.

"Tris, don't be sorry. If you're not ready you're not ready." He says looking me in the eye.

"Do you uh...uh...still like me?"

"No Tris, I can't stand you. I want absolutely nothing to do with you, all because you won't have sex with me." He says, emotionless, then smiles. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I only wanted you for sex?"

"A bad one." I say smiling, then he smiles even more. "I feel really bad, Four. I-I want to show you that I really do care about you."

"There are other ways to do that okay, and so far you've showed me you like me." After we wach get lost in eachothers eyes he says something. "Tris."


"I uh, I-I uh, ugh nevermind." He says.

"No, tell me Four."

"I uh think I l-love you."


"What?" I croak.

"Tris Prior, I love you."

"Four Eaton, I-I love you too." When I say that, he lets out a breath and relaxed his body. I didn't know he was so tense.

I love Four Eaton, and he actually loves me back. I haven't been this happy since before my parents went over seas.



"Don't call me that."

"Don't call you Four?" I question.


"Well what do I call you?"

"Nothing, yet."


All credit goes to my favorite author Veronica Roth.


Thank you for the 322 reads guys! Love ya'll!

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