Part 19

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I can't believe them. Actually, yes I can believe them. They're just like everyone else at this school. They are as fake as Christina's hair.

I jump into my car and head home.

I get home, and see someone's car in my driveway.

I turn off my car and look inside the car for any clues as to who's it is, but there are none.

"You know what? If there's a masked murderer in my house, I think I just might let him have his way." I mumble to myself as I head to my door to unlock it.

"Tris." A very husky voice lets out. I kind of jump up, then turn around.


"Sorry 'bout that." He says scratching the back of his neck. "Can I come in?"

"To do what? Sleep, drink, kiss me, or have sex with me? Choose one."

"To apologize to you." He says.

"Yeah well I don't want to hear your apology. I don't even want to hear your voice." I snap.

"Come on Tris, d-don't you want at least an explanation on why I said what I said."

"You're an asshole." I pause for a second, then talk again. "Come in." He follows me in, then I turn to shut and lock the door. "You can sit on the couch."


While he sits I get something from the fridge. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Really? You're offering me something of yours, when I've been a jerk."

"I have these things, ah what were they called again? Oh yeah manners. Something you should gain."

"Right, well I'm fine." He says.

"Okay then." I say making my way over to the couch. I have a seat next to him. "Okay explain everything. Starting from the day at Starbucks."

"Okay, so that was when Peter was saying outrageous things about you, correct?"

"Yeah." I say.

"Okay so after I left your place I went to Peter's place, and I gave him the black eye."

"So that was you?" I say astonished.

"Yeah that was me."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain Starbucks."

"I'm getting to that. Okay so on the way home from Peter's place I got a call from Lauren saying she was sorry and shit. Then somehow at the end of our conversation I was the one apologizing for something, I have no idea for what. She just has a way of doing that."

"Okay, and?" I say.

"So then she ended up forgiving me. Then we kinda, sorta hooked up."


"I know, I know i-it was wrong, and I'm so sorry Tris. And as for that day at Starbucks, I just didn't want to look like a coward in front of everybody."

"Well in my book, you're the biggest coward anyone could know." I snap.

"I know, I'm more than just a coward, I'm like a mega coward or something."

"Try a prodigious coward." I say.

"Prodigious?" He questions.

"It just means ginormous."


"Well explain the whole 'I had sex with Tris' scandal thing." I say.

"Riiiight, so what happened was Lauren was caught cheating on me with J.P. so I started the rumor that I slept with you. Tris I swear on my mothers grave that I am so sorry, and regret it all."

"Yup, you regret it all until you do  something else shitty."

"It's not gonna happen again Tris, I'm real sorry. Do you uh, do you think you could ever uh..." he scratches the back of his neck, "F-forgive me?"

"Yeah, I forgave you a while ago, but it doesn't mean I'm not disapointed."

"I totally get it. Well I guess I'll leave now."

"Yeah I'll walk you out." I say. We both get up with me trailing behind him.

When we get to the door, he all of a sudden turns torwards me, takes his arms and wraps them around my waist, pulls me into his strong torso, and kisses me.

Four Eaton is kissing me.

He pulls away after realizing that I'm not kissing back.

A bunch of emotions flood across his face. Sad, disapointment, embarrassment, maybe even a little anger.

"Tris, I-" He starts, but I cut him off by drawing my lips back to his. We somehow get turned around and I gently get pushed up against the door.

He deepens the kiss, and I do the same.

He slowly pulls away, and we look eachother in the eyes.

"I wanna take it slow." I whisper.

"That's okay, I already have my spot on the floor." He whispers back.

We continue to stare into eachothers eyes, and smile.

I just kissed Four Eaton.

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