Part 40

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[Still on the plane ride]

"Trissss." Tobias whines.

"Fourrr." I mock whine.

"I'm hungryyyy."

"Then eat somethingggg." I mock whine again.

"I did." His mood changing from whiny to dead serious. "I've had about eight of those tiny packs of peanuts. They don't satisfy my hunger, at all."

"Well then go buy a bag of chips or something, from the little kitchen area."

"Are you crazy? I refuse to pay like five dollars for a pathetic bag of chips." The words roll off his tongue in disgust. "Maybe I would pay for the chips if the whole bag was full of them, but half the bag is literally air."

"Well then wait until our next connecting flight." I say.

"When is that?"

"In f-" I get cut off by the flight attendant.

"Hello travelers, in about five minutes we will be landing in Wyoming. Our lay over time will be six hours. Thank you for traveling with us. Have a nice night."

"FINALLY! FOOD!" Tobias, Zeke, and Uriah yell at the same time.

"Shut up." Lynn snaps.

"Aw is someone cranky?" Tobias questions.

"Fuck off." Lynn snaps again.

Everyone gets off the plane and goes into the station.

"TO THE FOOD COURT!" Zeke yells. All the guys run to the food court, except for Caleb. He lingers behind carrying on a conversation with the girl he met on the plane.

Before I walk away Caleb jogs over to and says, "So I'm gonna grab some food with Cara."

I fake gasp. "Is my brother actually talking to a human being."

"Whatever, Beatrice."

"Okay so where will we meet you and your girlfriend?" I ask making him blush.

"She's not my girlfriend, Beatrice. And let's just meet at the gate in two hours."

"Okay. Well see you then."

"Alright goodbye." He says walking over to Cara.

I walk to the food court and see Shauna and Chris in line for Chipotle, Lynn and Zeke at Panda Express, then Tobias and Uriah and Will in line for Taco Bell.

Honestly, I'd hate to be that stereotypical "white girl" but I really do want some Chipotle right now.

I hop in line and there are mostly Amity people in line.

"Oh Tris!" Chris shouts, "You can cut me!" And I do. I walk up to her place in line and stand in front of her. I'm not suprised that no one called me out saying that it was unfair for me to cut because the Amity are to be kind.

I look at the employee, and I can't help but to notice him checking me out. But as if on cue, Tobias comes out of nowhere and slips an arm around my waist, and kisses me on the forehead.

Most of all the Amity awed, but they don't know that this whole 'scene' was because someone was jealous.

"Hey babe." Tobias says, emphasizing the 'babe'.

"Hey Four. I'll be over in a second, just let me order."

He hesitantly lets me go. "Okay, babe." He says again before walking away.

"Alright I'll have a bowl with steak, guac, salsa, cheese, and sour cream."

"No lettuce?" The guy asks.

"Ew no." I say. "Lettuce is for salad's, this is no salad."

"Okay well that'll eight fifty six."

I hand him a ten dollar bill. "You can uh keep the change." I say.

"Thanks, have a good day."

"You too." I say.

I walk to the table, and may I say, Will looks as pissed off as ever.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask Will.

"Ask your idiot boyfriend and Shauna's dickhead boyfriend." He says with gritted teeth.

"Woah, language. And what did they do now?" I ask.

"They split my taco, and ate it, when I went to get a napkin."

"Well just get a new one. They cost like only five dollars."

"I refuse because I have my budget all planned out, and I cannot exceed the amount of money I spend in one day."

"Once and Erudite, always an Erudite." I say. "Hey Four." I ask.


"Can I have five bucks?"

"For what?"

"I need a couple of tampons." I lie.

"Ew gross. Here." He says handing me the money.

"Thanks." I say. Grabbing the money, then handing it to Will. Tobias looks like he's been betrayed. "Now you can go get another taco." I tell Will.

"Thanks Tris!" He says hopping up, and walking back to Taco Bell once again.

Tobias turns to look at me. "That wasn't nice."

"It wasn't nice for you to eat his taco."

"Touché." He says.

"Alright well we have five hours and forty five minutes left. What do we do?" Shauna asks, just as Will sits down.

"Well actually in about two hours we're meeting Caleb and his girlfriend at the gate." I say.

"Girlfriend?!" Chris asks overly excited.

"Well they're not official, but it's obvious he likes her and she like him."

"Ohhhh." The whole table goes.

"Yeah, but back to Shauna's question. What do we do? I mean there isn't much to see in Wyoming is there?"

"I dunno, but even if there was, we don't have the money for taxies and such." Zeke says.

"Yeah, true." I say. Everyone is trying to come up with something cheap to do.

Then suddenly Uriah snaps. "I got it!"

"I swear Uriah, if this has something to do with the game Candor or Dautless, I will hurt you." Shauna warns.

"Fine then nevermind."

"I'm gonna go browse the shops, anyone wanna come with?" Chris says. Everyone nods.

This is gonna be soooo boring.


The picture above shows you their plane route. Next chapter the vacation begins. There will be heartbreak. I'm sorry, but there will be, I'm just not sure who though. Then there will be friendships made, as well as enemies. It'll be a fun roller coaster.

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