Part Fourtris

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Tris' POV

"Ughhhhhh." Caleb whines. "I'm never drinking againnnn."

"Yeah, sure." I say.

The door swings open, and bangs against the wall with a loud smack.


"Ughhhhhh" Caleb whines again. "Shuuuuut uuuup."

Zeke jumps over to him. "WHY SO GLUM, CHUM?!"

"Zeke, leave me aloooone." He whines. "Tris, what time is it?"

"TIME FOR A DANCE PARTYYYY!" Zeke yells. He takes out his phone and blasts, 'Hit the Quan' and starts doing the dance. "Clean pair of sneaks, with a designer belt! Please watch your step cause
I'm feeling myself. Throw a flag on the play, man somebody get the ref. Cop blah la la la low, man somebody get some help. Pull up on the block! Hit the Quan, hit the Quan, hit the Quan, hit the Quan
I said get down low and swing your arms! I said get down low and hit the Quan!"

I can't stop laughing, more like cackling.

"COME ON TRIS!" He yells again.

"OKAY!" I join in.

I'm assuming being loud and obnoxious is how we're punishing Caleb for how he acted last night.

We both are doing the dumb dance, but it's actually really fun.

"To hell with you all." Caleb groans, pulling the covers over his head.

I bet he won't get drunk again.

Tobias' POV

"Okay, right hook, duck, sweep. Nice!"

"I'm going to do so much better. Thanks Four." She taps my shoulder.

"No problem. Let's uh, do blocking."

"Okay then."

"Get in my position." She struggles a bit.

I walk behind her and fix her positioning. I grab her fisted hand, and bring it up more, and do the same with her other hand. Then I put both of my hands on her torso and rotate her upper body a bit. My hands linger there for a second. The last time this happened to me, was when I was training...Tris.

Oh God.

Christina's POV

I know I said what ever is happening between Four and that girl is none of my business, but as Tris' bestfriend I think it's my duty to investigate.

From now on you shall call me Badass spy Christina. I know it needs work, but that's what it is for right now.

I'm hiding behind a big leafy plant, and am currently not liking what I am seeing.

Four has his hands on the girl's torso. And he's not moving them. I snap a few pictures of it on my phone.

He then turns his attention to something in the far distance, so I duck behind the plant.

Luckily he didn't see me.

I think that's enough spying for today. If I see anymore I think I'm going to be sick.

Since me and Will are still fighting I'll just go to Tris' room and talk to her.

Tris' POV

I'm on my bed watching a show called 'We Bear Bears' call me childish, but it really is a cute show. And I'm waiting for Four to come back.

Knock knock knock.


I open the door, and see Chris.

"Hey you." I smile.

"Hey, can I vent to you?"

"Of course you can. Come on in." I clear the path for her. "You can sit on my bed, and I'll sit on Four's bed."


Once we're settled we start to talk.

"So tell me young grasshopper, what's on your mind?"

"Okay, why would Will check out some other bimbo, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY GORGEOUS FACE! Like am I not good enough for him? Am I not pretty enough?! I KNOW FOR DAMN SURE I'M SMART ENOUGH THOUGH! MY GPA IS 4.5!" She shouts, then gets quiet again, "What did I ever do to him to make him do that?" She starts tearing up.

But is this situation that serious? In my opinion I think she's over reacting.

"I mean," she crys, "I have enough curves don't I? I have big enough boobs right? I have enough butt right? I'm kind right? I mean I know I'm no Amity or Abnegation, but I'm not that mean. Am I?"


"Maybe I should start dating girls! Maybe I should go gay." She smiles a pathetic smile, and raises a fist in the air, "haha gay pride!" She says with her voice breaking. "I'm just gonna ask out a girl." Her face lights up, "Tris would you go out with me?"

"No." I shake my head so hard that it might fall off my shoulders. "First, I'm not gay. Second, I'm dating Four. And third you're making a big deal out of this. It's not that deep, Chris. Geez. He looked at a girl, okay, so what? Are you telling me, you've never looked at a guy, while in a relationship with Will, and thought, Wow he's hot."


"Exactly." I say.


"How so?"

"I don't know. It just was."

"Mhmm." I say.

"Ugh, you're right. I was overreacting."

"I know. Now go make up with him."

She gets up and heads for the the door, "Thanks Tris."

"You're welcome." She then leaves.

I love Chris, I really do, but sometimes she's just a tad over dramatic.

Christina's POV

I open the door, and as soon as Will answers it I tackle him to the floor, and start kissing all over his face.

"What the he-"

"Baby, I am so, so, so sorry I overreacted, please forgive me. I won't ever do it again." I say inbetween kisses.

"No, no, no it's all my fault if I hadn't looked at her none of this would've happened. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do."

I squeal and hug him, even if we are still on the hard cold floor.

"Hey, Chris." Will says. I sit up.

"Yeah babe?"

"I want you, no, I need you to know this."


"You're my girl, okay? And no one or anything will change that. Ev-er. Christina, I love you."


"I...I love you too."


Christina is sooooo dramatic! Lol.

So how was it?

Sorry it took so long, I had writers block.

Picture of Marley is up.

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