Part 37

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[The next morning: Tris POV]

I wake up to the moaning and groaning of Christina.

"Geez get a room." Al mumbles.

"It's not what you think, it's Rose. Get off of me." She says.

"I'm hungryyyy." Rose, her sister, whines.

"Then go fix some food." Chris mumbles still half asleep.

Rose gasps. "I get to use the stove?! Alright!" She says pumping her fist in the air. With that Chris instantly jumps up, and runs into the kitchen after Rose.

"Morning Chris." I say walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?"

"Fine, how 'bout you?" I ask.

"Okay I guess." She says, then turns to Rose, "what do you want to eat?"


"No shi-" She starts, but I cut her off before she can finish her statement.

"-h Tzu. No Shih Tzu." I say glaring at her, then turning my attention to Rose. "What kind of breakfast food would you like?"

"I would like um, uh pancakes, and bacon. NO SCRAMBLED EGGS! I HATE ABNEGATION FOOD!" She says.

That hurt. "Okay, you want scrambled eggs. Got it." I say messing with her.

"NOOOO!" She squeals.

"Ohhhh, so you don't want scrambled eggs. Got it." I say smiling. She just stands there and smiles back. "Hey, wanna make five dollars?" I say croutching down to her height.

She gasps. "FIVE DOLLARS?!" She yells.

"Shhh." I say. "Yeah, okay, I want you to take these two pans," I say handing her the pans, "And bang them together , and wake everyone up, okay?"

"Okay." She whispers smiling, making her way to the living room.

Once she gets there she turns to me and smiles. I give her the thumbs up, and count to three. "1...2...3."


Everyone shots up, Tobias is the one that looks the most confused. He looks around, and his eyes land on Rose.

"Rooooose." He growls. He slowly gets up, and walks towards Rose. Rose slowly backs away, but bumps into a wall.

"Four...don't...please...AHHH!" She squeals as he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder.

"You know the drill." He says.

The drill?

"FOUR NO DON'T DO IT!" She yells while smiling. He dumps her on the couch. "Four, do-" She's cut off with a series out loud laughs. "F-FOUR...ST-STO-STOP...FO-UR...PLEASE!" She says in between laughs.

After a few seconds he stops, and lifts her up so they're eye to eye.

"Who sent you to do that?" He asks.

"It was the other girl in the kitchen with Chrissy."

"Thank you. You're free to go." He lets her down and she scurries off. The he turns to me, and walks towards me.

Uh oh.

"If I were you, I would run." Chris whispers to me.

I try to run, but before I get six feet away from him, he snakes an arm around my waist.

"Four oh my gosh, put me down."

"Nope." He says as he throws me over his shoulder, earning a squeal from me.

"Wow Four you have a really nice butt." I say, everyone laughs. Honestly it's true. He stops dead in his tracks.

"Uh thank you?"

"You're welcome." I say. He starts walking again, but he goes towards the back door, and opens it. "Four where are we going?" I ask. He then turns around and I see a pool. He turns back around and continues walking. "Four w-what are you doing?"

"Payback." He says.

He's gonna dump me into the water. "Four, don't do something you'll later regret."

"Who say's I'm gonna regret it?"


"Is that a threat?" He asks once again, he stopped.

"No?" I say more of a question than a statement.

"That's what I thought." He says continuing walking. We get closer to the pool and I start to squirm around like a fish out of water.

"Let me go." I say.

"Okay." He says.

Oh snap, crackle, and pop.

He lets go of me, and my back makes contact with freezing cold water.

He shouldn't have done that.

I decide to stay underwater, and act like I drowned. I can actually hold my breath, one whole minute. It's a bragging right I have.

"Tris?" His voice sounds muffled because of the water. I can tell he's leaning in close to the water, so I take this opportunity to reach my arms out the water, and pull him in with me.

POINT, TRIS! I told him he would regret it. SUCKER!

After a second we both pull our heads up out the water.

"Did you just.." He questions.

"Did I just pretend to be drowning, and pull you into the water? No, no I did not." I say with a wicked grin.

"You'll pay for that." He says.

"Sure I will." I say smiling.

We both walk back into the house and eveyone's staring at us.

"What are you pansycakes looking at?" Four says.

"Nothing much." Zeke says staring at Tobias.

"Whatever." Four says. "Chris, I need a towel." He says.

"So? Go get one you know where they are." She says.

He grunts, and says, "Follow me Tris."

I do as he says. We get to the Laundry room, and he hands me a towel.

"So you know Chris' house well." I say.

"Yeah, I usually come here when Marcus has been drinking."

"Oh so, she knows about the whole Marcus situation?" I ask.

"Well she knows about the drinking, not about the abuse."

"Ohhhh okay."


After we finish drying off, I head to Chris' room, to change into new clothes.

I walk in to see Al sitting on the foot of the bed, bouncing his leg up and down. He looks really anxious about something.

"Hey, Al."

"Hey Tris. Can we talk?"


Hiiiii guysssss! What do you think he wants?

I already know of course.

Don't be a silent reader, tell me what you think of the book and this chapter.

Love y'all soooo much.

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