Part 39

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"So it's settled then." I say.

"We take an airplane..." Caleb starts, and gets cut off by Chris.

"To California..." She gets cut off by Shauna.

"Next week, for..." Cut off by Tobias.

"The whole summer."

"Yay sounds fantastic!" Chris says.

"Okay so we'll pack some time this week." Lynn says holding Uriah's hand. They are so cute.

"Okay. And our plane leaves at eight in the morning." Will confirms.


"I'm so excited!" Shauna squeals. "I cannot wait to tan, and wear my super cute bathing suit."

"I can't wait either." Zeke says smirking, earning a slap in the head from her.

Ah, a vacation. I really need one of those. This is gonna be the best summer ever.

[Tobias POV]

Oh God. Planes? Sky? Off the ground? In the air? HEIGHTS?!

[The day of the flight: Tris POV]

"Gate 2B is now open. I repeat, Gate 2B is now open, please start boarding the plane." The intercom above us says.

"EEEEEEEE THIS IS IT!" Chris squeals. She squeals a lot.

"I KNOW!" I yell at her jumping up and down.

We all make our way to the gate, then to the plane.

"Shoot, there are no open two seaters." Lynn says.

"Okay well we're just gonna have to sit by strangers." I say.

"Damn it." She says plopping into a seat next to a Candor man.

"OW! FUCK!" I hear Tobias say. I turn to see him rubbing the back of his head. Ha! There's an advantage to being short.

"Aww did someone hit their head?" I say in a baby voice.

"Yes, and it hurt like a bi-" I cut him off.

"Hey there are virgin ears around us." I say motioning to a few kids on the air plane.

"Oh, right sorry." He says. Everyone, except Lynn is pretty much situated.

"What'ya gonna do? Huh? What'ya gonna do? Huh?" Some annoying kid says while kicking Lynn's seat. She looks like she's about to lose her mind.

[Lynn POV]

Oh I'll tell you what I'll do about it.

I turn to the little punk and jack him up, and shake him a few times.

"If you don't stop kicking my chair, I swear to Santa Clause I will slit your throat." She yells the last part staring him in the eye. Everyone looks at her in shock. Then she glares at everybody on board. "CAN I HELP YOU WITH SOMETHING?!" She yells, and everyone turns to face the seat in front of them, including my friends.

[Tobias POV]

I think we all can agree that I'm a fairly large guy right? Well then how is it that I'm utterly petrified of an initiate I trained that goes by the name of Lynn? I swear she's the scariest person I've ever met, except for Marcus.

[Uriah POV]

Remind me to never get in Lynn's way, okay.

[Tris POV]

The plane is pulling off, and I can't help, but see how pale Tobias looks. He looks absolutely mortified.

"Four, are you alright?" I ask. He violently shakes his head no. He has beads of sweat falling down his face. He's starting to hyperventilate a little. Woah.

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