5. 4AM

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Ki was fast asleep while the house remained still, except for Lisa, who sat on her balcony deep in thought. The invitation to Korea from her grandmother had been a shock, and seeing Ki again, along with his confession, was equally unexpected.

Uncertain about her grandmother's request, the confession stirred unfamiliar emotions within her. It would be a first for her if she chose to date Ki. Since hearing his words, she had spent hours pondering whether fate had tapped her on the shoulder before returning to bed.

Myung and her father had a significant disagreement regarding Ki. The argument made her father question whether she was too caught up in Ki and not mature enough for marriage. Her fixation on Ki had grown, and it was no longer just about her feelings for him; her obsession had taken a troubling turn.

As the rising sun allowed rays to enter his room from the lake, Ki opened his eyes, sat up, and stretched his arms. Swinging his legs to the floor, he stood up bare-chested, grabbed his robe, and walked over to welcome the fresh air inside.

Both he and Lisa had a big day ahead. Thinking about breakfast, he called the local diner he often frequented and ordered breakfast for delivery. The weight of his impending confession lingered in his mind.

He proceeded to shower and brush his teeth, relishing the hot water that kick-started his day. As the water cascaded over him, it relaxed his muscles. Ki was undeniably handsome, with long legs, large hands, and captivating dragon-shaped eyes. His broad shoulders were in perfect proportion to his height, complemented by a tight waist. His most noticeable features were the double dimples that appeared when he smiled.

He was the type any woman would pursue, yet Ki was selective. Despite his vast knowledge and intelligence in other areas, matters of the heart remained his Achilles' heel. He fell hard and often focused intensely on his affections. Lisa embodied the qualities he admired, qualities Myung did not possess. Lisa was still asleep... Ki stepped out of the shower, his hair dripping wet. He wrapped a towel around his waist and cleared the steam from the mirror. He grabbed his shaving kit and felt for any stubble. His mind replayed the events of the previous night. A patient man, he dressed for the day and headed to the kitchen. He brewed a pot of coffee and went to the door to receive his delivery. Moments later, Lisa heard him and decided to start the day..She wanted the last two days of their trip not to be awkward.

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