Love and Desperation

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Myung met with her side piece, she wanted to throw all her energy into having sex with Chonni. "Hey, twice in one week this is unusual for you, what's up?" Chonni asked

"Don't, I am not here for therapy unless you are pulling my hair and I am riding your other brain, So don't think," Myung said going to shower,

Chonni could tell something was on her mind, but he wasn't there to give her advice just to help her relax.

Choni poured two glasses of wine and lit her favorite scented candles around the bed... He pulled the fresh clean sheets back from under the dropped comforter... took off his shirt and watched the steam roll from under the bathroom door.

Myung kept the company of a handsome man who was always at her beck and call. Her lifestyle was far from that of a respectable billionaire's daughter, concealing much from her parents.

Returning to the bedroom, Chonni approached her and presented her with a glass of wine...

"I am ready for the leather stripes, I want to be tied up and feel every inch of you inside me."

Myung dropped her towel, Chonni was ready to give her whatever she wanted from him.

Ki and Lisa were preparing for an open conversation at dinner. Ki was ready to tell Lisa about Myung and the reasons he had ended his engagement. He worried she might find it strange if he confessed that his feelings for her were the cause. Having finished showering, he stepped out to start grilling the food now chopping vegetables for a salad and skewering meat.

Lisa had awakened from a brief nap, she sat up on the bed and called her grandmother to let her know they had arrived. She had several messages from her management team and her mother.

She stepped onto the second-floor balcony from her bedroom, where the sun was setting over the lake—a beautiful sight. She first called her grandmother, and they chatted briefly. "Are you okay?" Lisa inquired. "I'm fine. How was your drive up? Is Beom Seok Ki being a gentleman?" her grandmother asked.

Lisa began to laugh and agreed. "I've invited his family to your party... please check with him about his schedule. He was such a gracious host at your event." Lisa's grandmother seemed pleased to have someone to spend time with.

"I will, take care. We should be back in 48 hours," Lisa assured her grandmother.

As she continued making her calls, Ki stepped out onto the deck. Lisa watched him as he started grilling the food, feeling a genuine attraction towards him she smiled and started the conversation with her publicist.

Lisa finished her calls; her mother was pleased to hear she was enjoying herself. They ended the call with a warm "Love you, stay safe."

Afterward, Lisa freshened up and went downstairs to help Ki with dinner. Meanwhile, Ki was deeply engrossed in thoughts about starting a conversation with Lisa. As he turned the skewers and took a sip from his wine glass, he chuckled at himself, thinking it was liquid courage that made him feel like a nervous schoolboy.

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