Chapter 4

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*Later that night*

{Reid's POV}

Why the hell did I say I got a tattoo?! Sandy will kill me if she finds out I took Dilaudid! Especially since it's highly addictive! Damn I'm so screwed! Unless I actually get a tattoo? No! I would never! But if it means getting Sandy off my back, I have to. I put on my short sleeve button up and some jeans, then stuff my wallet in my pants pocket and quietly leave. What am I going to get?

{Sandy's POV}

I can't sleep at all. Spencer's got me really worried about him. I hear something and I get out of bed and slightly open my door to look and see what it was. I see Spencer put on his jacket and leave. I knew it. I knew he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be. Would it be wrong if I looked threw his stuff? After thinking about it for a few seconds before I realize it I'm in his room. It's time to find out the truth.

{Reid's POV}

I decided against taking my car in fear of waking Sandy or the kids up, so I walked. It's midnight and most tattoo shops are closed. After walking around a while, I finally found one that wasn't. "Yes sir what can we do for you tonight!" The man at the desk says "Uh I need a tattoo but I don't know what to get." I say "Ok. What would you like?" He say handing me a book "I like this." I say looking at the name Jennifer in black creative font "Alright sir come on back." He says as I follow him "Is this your first?" "Yeah. I'm not really a tattoo kind of guy but I had to pretty much make am exception." I say "For you wife?" He asked pointing at my ring. I still haven't took it off and I'm not planing to. "Uh well she um- she uh, she died a year and a half ago." I say "I'm sorry man." He says as he gets the needle ready "Ok this is going to sting a bit." He says as he puts it in the black ink. I could tell by the look on his face when I lifted my sleeve that he saw the bruise the syringe had left. "Ok man. Here we go." I grab ahold of the chair with my left hand when he starts. "You ok?" He asked "Yeah just don't stop." I say "Alright man." He says as he pushes it harder. I can feel the letters being imprinted into my skin. After a minuet of two the sting goes away. I look down at it and smile as tears form in my eyes. I wipe my eyes and wait for the guy to finish. "Alright man. All done!" He says as he pulls out some type and gauze "Thanks." I say as I pay and leave. The bad part is, it's on my upper arm so if Sandy wants to see it, she'll see the syringe marks. I walk down the street and see that a few bars are open. After standing there for a few seconds, I decide to go in. A few drinks couldn't hurt anything.

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