Chapter 44

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{JJ's POV}

"It's ok." I say as I walk over to the kids who were screaming and crying "Is Daddy coming back?!" Henry says as he snuggles in my arms "I don't know honey." I say "Mommy!!" Meghan cries "Mom please!" I say to my mom "Come here Meg." She says as Meghan wobbled over to her while she cried. My phone starts ringing and the kids are still crying. "Can you hand me that?" I say go my mom as she brings me my phone "This isn't the best time right now." I say answering it "JJ?" Emily says "Emily I can't- it's ok Mason- Henry it's- Emily I-" I say "You need me to come over?" Emily asked "No you have Sophie." I say "She's asleep with Derek." Emily says "I can get Garcia and Blake and we can be over in 10 minuets." Emily says "Thank you." I say hanging up "Emily, Blake and Garcia are coming." I tell my mom "I have to go to the store." My mom says "Now?!" I say she hands Meg to me "Yes JJ it closes in 20 minuets." My mom says "Fine yeah I'll be fine. You know one person 3 screaming kids, that's never hard." I say as she gets her stuff and leaves "Ok Henry go sit on the couch with your brother, I'll make some popcorn and get a movie and we'll watch it until the girls get here." I say as I put Meghan on my hip and go to the kitchen "Ok mommy." Henry says as he and Mason climb on the couch. When the popcorn finished I hear a knock at the door and put Meghan with Henry and Mason and went to check it "Thank goodness." I say opening the door as the girls came in "We brought movies and toys." Garcia says "Come on in." I say "You guys!!" Henry says as they all get up and hugs everyone "Hey little buddies!" Garcia says as she puts in a movie "Garcia what movie is that?"  I asked when I seen the girl in a work out bra "Don't worry it's age appropriate." Garcia says "This better not get dirty Garcia I swear I will-" I say "You need some tea and a nice hot shower. Now go." She says "Fine but you're making the tea." I say going up stairs. Once I get in the shower I let the hot water run down my body and get out. I get dressed and as I start to walk out, just my luck, I fall. I try to get up but my ankle hurts too much. I can't move it.

{Emily's POV}

We get about half way into the movie and I hear JJ start yelling for me. "I'll go check on her." I say getting up. I go upstairs and see JJ on the floor with a black ankle laughing when she saw me "You idiot." I say "I think it's broke." She says smiling "You're an idiot JJ." I say walking over to her and helping her up. We get to the top of the stairs and I yell for the girls. "Garcia, Blake get the kids. Mrs. Clumsy fell she thinks she broke her ankle." I say as we slowly walk down the stairs "You dumb-" Garcia says but JJ cuts her off "Ok let's go!" "Right." Garcia says as she picks up Meghan and walk to the car with Henry holding her hand and Mason holding Blake's hand "You're a dumbass JJ." I say smiling once the kids are out of the room "Shut up Emily, I know." JJ says as we go to the car. I drive, Garcia and Blake sit in the very back, the kids in the middle and JJ up front with me. Once we get to the hospital Blake and Garcia take the kids to the waiting room for kids so they can quietly play. I want back there with JJ so I knew what was going on. "Ok Mrs. Reid-" the doctor "Jareau. Mrs. Jareau." JJ says. I know that had to hurt her because it hurt me hearing her say it. "Oh. Well Mrs. Jareau, you're going to need surgery." He says "What why?!" JJ says "You're ankle broke and tore some ligaments in the process. It just needs to get a small petal plate in it and you're be able to walk again." He says "How long will I not be able to walk?" JJ says "At the most 7 weeks with the surgery and a cast." The doctor says "I have 3 kids under 10 I can't not walk for 7 weeks!" JJ says "I'm sorry ma'am. Without the surgery, you probably won't be able to walk on that foot at all." He tells JJ. I pull out my phone and text Reid. I know JJ probably don't want to see him right now but she doesn't have a choice. She needs him right now.

{Reid's POV}

I didn't know where to go, so I went back to my apartment after JJ and I got in a fight. About an hour later I got a text from Emily. "JJ's at the hospital. You should be here. Room 140." I say out loud. 'Is she ok?!' I think as I leave. I didn't even bother to get my jacket and it's pouring rain. I'm only  3 minuets from the hospital so I decide to run and avoid traffic. I get to the hospital and bust threw the doors and run straight to the nurses desk. "I need to see my wife Jennifer Reid. It might be under Jennifer Jareau." I say trying to catch my breath "Fourth floor sir." The lady says as I run threw the doors to get to her. I'm coming JJ.

{Emily's POV}

"I'll be right back." I tell JJ "Ok." JJ says as I leave the room. I walk around for a few seconds until I find my way back to the waiting room. "Emily!" I hear someone yell "Reid?!" I say seeing him out of breath and soaking wet "Where's JJ?!" He says as he gets closer "In there." I say pointing to the room "Thank you." He says as he goes in

{JJ's POV}

I close my eyes and try to get the thought of having to get surgery out of my head. I open my eyes when I hear the door open. "JJ!" He says "Spence?!" I say "What are you doing here?" "I ran as fast as I could." He says panting out of breath "It's pouring out there you ran in that!" I say "Yeah. Are you ok? What happened?" Spence asked "I fell in the bathroom. I slipped on one of the kids toys. They say I need surgery." I say as he looks at my ankle "I'm so sorry." Spence says as steps closer and he gets my hand "You're going to do great, ok. I'll be here as soon as you get out." "I'm sorry." I say "I'm sorry about earlier and fighting and kicking you out." "Don't be it's ok." Spence says "No it's not. What you said was true. I did except to come back and everything be fine and it can't always be like that. But I'm willing to work for it to be." I say "Then so am I." Spence says "Ok Mrs. Jareau-" the doctor says "It's Reid. Jennifer Reid." I say "Mrs. Reid. It's time." He says "I'll be here." Spence says as he holds me hand all the way to the to the door where they made him stop. I can hear him yelling 'I love you' over and over from behind the doors. No matter how bad our fights can get, I do and always will love him.

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