Chapter 25

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{Kate's POV}

I really want to continue that kiss! Maybe we could go back to his place and continue. "You pick a seat and I'll get the pizza." Spencer says as we walk in the pizza place "Such a gentleman." I say smiling as I briefly brush his hand slightly pulling it with mine as I walk away. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, standing there smiling.

{Reid's POV}

When Kate touched my hand it sent a tingle threw my entire body! I couldn't help but smile! I loved it! "Uh half cheese, half pepperoni." I say to the guy at the counter then looking at Kate "Thanks." I say as I pay and come back to the table with the pizza "Pizza's here." I say from behind her as I smile and kiss her cheek "Thank- thank you." She says as her cheeks redden "You ok?" I asked smiling as I sat across from her "Yeah I just- I wasn't expecting that." She says smiling "Well I'm glad it happened." I say as we eat. I honestly really like Kate! She's such an amazing girl! She has a great personality, she's sweet, she's nice, she's good with the kids! I really think we have something good going. "So. You got a boyfriend." I say out of the blue making her laugh "No I don't." She says "Well that is good to know." I say smiling "Do you have a girlfriend?" Kate asked "I actually do not." I say still smiling "That is very important information that I just so happen to like." She says as she smiles and finished her pizza "You want to go to my place?" I asked smiling at her "Uh- yeah! I'd love to!" Kate says as she smiles "Good." I say. The rest of the lunch date was just us making small talk, but it was really great. "You ready?" I asked as we get up from the table "Yeah." Kate says as we leave "Hey I'm going to call Sandy really quick to see if she can watch the boys." I say as we get in the car "Spencer?" Sandy says as she answers "Hey. I was wondering if you might could watch the kids tonight. Kate and I were going to have a movie night." I say "Uh yeah." Sandy says "Really?" I say "Yeah. I'll get their baths and get them ready for bed." Sandy says "Ok. Thanks Sandy." I say "Spencer! You better use protection. I don't need anymore grandkids." Sandy says loud enough for Kate to hear making her laugh "Ok Sandy." I say "What no 'yes ma'am'?" Sandy says as I sigh "Yes ma'am." I say "Thank you." She says hanging up "Sorry about that." I say to Kate "It's no problem." She says "This date has just been me calling Sandy and talking to or about the kids." I say cranking the car "You're a father. It's your job." Kate says "Yeah I know. I just can't wait until they're teenagers and I can embarrass the hell out of them. Yelling 'you better use a condom!' Every time they go on a date, telling their girlfriends about their embarrassing childhood, showing them embarrassing pictures." I say "I love that." Kate says "Love what?" I ask "How you talk about your kids. The look on your face and the pride in your voice just screams 'best father ever!'" Kate says "You think I'm the best father ever?" I say smiling "Maybe." Kate says as she smiles as we pull up into the parking lot "This is my apartment. It's where I lived before JJ and I moved in together. I still pay rent and am there every now and then but I pay a house keeper to come in and clean every month. It's just like my small getaway." I say as we get out "Well I think it's perfect." Kate says as she grabs my hand. This time keeping it making me smile.

{Kate's POV}

Once Spencer and I get into his apartment he puts on a movie and I sink my body into his. He has his arm around me and my head is on his chest. "When we kissed, did you feel something?" Spencer says as I look up at him "Did you?" I say. All he does is smile and kiss me. He kiss deepens and he pulls me onto his lap, not breaking the kiss. "Can we go to the bed room?" I asked "Only if you want to." Spencer says "I want to." I say making him smile as he pulls himself to the edge of the couch, then puts his arms around my legs and waist taking me into the bedroom.

{Reid's POV}

I pull Kate on to the bed and continue kissing her. I move the kiss to her neck and she moans in pleasure. I got back to her lips and deepen the kiss with my tong. I can feel her smiling. We're interrupted by a knocking at my door. 'Maybe they'll leave.' I think before hearing it again "I'm sorry." I say to Kate as I get up "Hey. Don't take too long." Kate says making me smile as I open the door. I turn to look at the woman in the hall at my door way and my smile fades. I just stood there for a minuet. That's when the bright blue eyes looked up at me. "Spence.." She says "JJ?!" I say "I'm home."

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