Chapter 46

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{Reid's POV}

I waited for that felt like forever for JJ to get out of surgery. "Jennifer Reid?" The doctor says finally "Yeah that's my wife." I say standing up to walk over to him "Surgery went great, she'll be able to leave later today." He says "Can I see her?" I asked "We had to give her some medication because of the surgery so she's a little sedated but yes." He says "Thank you." I say as I walk over to the girls and the kids and tell them what the doctor told me. I didn't want the kid's to go in just yet so I told them JJ was ok but kids weren't allowed back there since she just got out of surgery. I go back to her room and see her laughing at nothing. "JJ?" I say. She let out a huge gasp and smiled. "Spencey!!" JJ yelled "Spencey?" I say smiling "That's a new one." "I like it!" JJ says "I don't." I say with a smile "Yeah you do. You know you do." JJ says

{JJ's POV}

"I feel so weird right now Spencey! Hey what do to you say me and little Spency get some visiting time." I say smiling "Not right now JJ." Spence says "Why not! We can go in the bathroom!" I say "JJ you just had surgery!" Spence says as he points to my foot. I look down and it and gasp. "Oh my god Henry was right I am a transformer!" I say as Spence laughs "No you just had surgery. Jay you broke your foot." Spence says as I start to cry "Is it broken?!" I say "Yeah it broke JJ but they fixed it. You have to wear a cast for a little bit but that will be ok. I'll be there to help you." Spence says "I'm a transformer." I say as I cry even more "No JJ you're not." Spence says as he hugs me "I am." I say as I continue to cry

{Reid's POV}

"Do you want to see the kids?" I asked JJ as I pulled away. She shook her head yes and walk out of the room. "Hey." I say to them "Daddy!" The yell as they come running up to me "Hey, mommy wants to see you guys!" I say "Really!" Henry says "Yeah! Just be carful, she's a little emotional right now because she's had some medicine." I say "Ok." Henry says. I take Meg in my arms and Mason takes Henry's hand. I still can't believe I have 3 kids. We walk in JJ's room to see her smiling. "Hey kids." JJ says. Her eyes are heavy, you can tell she's had a not of medication. "Daddy I told you she was a transformer!" Henry says. I can't help but start to laugh when he said that. JJ, of course, starts to cry again. "Ok guys- and princess- go see Garcia." I say as Garcia comes and gets them "I'm a transformer." JJ says as she cries "No you're not," I say walking to her bed and hugging her "I am. I'm a transformer." She says as she cries even harder "Well you're my transformer then." I say "I want a divorce." JJ says as she continues to cry. I just laughed and smiled before I said it "Not happening."

AU: Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been updating! I've had writers block and writing has been getting harder because I'm starting to run out of energy to even do it. The next few chapters might be spaced out for a little bit, I'm just letting you know now. Ok love you guys!! Bye!

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