Chapter 17

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*The Next Day*

{Morgan's POV}

Emily's still mad at me. Reid is still mad at me. Hotch knows I was drunk when I came to Reid's house. Emily won't even let me come home. I had to beg her to let me see Sophie! We've made mistakes I know, but why can't she get past this one!

{Garcia's POV}

I haven't talked to Emily or Derek since their fight. The worst part, it's all because of me. I shouldn't of told Morgan to come to my place when I was drunk. But I did and I can't take it back.

{Hotch's POV}

"I'll think you'll fit in every well here." I say to the agent in my office "Really?!" She says "Yes. Come on, let's meet the team." I say as we walk out "Guys. Meet Kate Callahan she's the new agent." I say "David Rossi." Dave says "That's Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, Emily Prentiss, and.. Where's- oh there he is. That's Dr. Reid." I say as Reid walks in the office "Reid." I say "Uh hi." He says "Kate Callahan." Kate says smiling and shaking his hand "Dr. Spencer Reid- but you don't have to call me Dr- just Spencer- I mean Reid." He says blushing as Kate smiles. If I didn't know any better I would say he likes her.

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