Chapter 10

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{Sandy's POV}

When Mason wakes up from his short nap I hear him calling for JJ. Him and Henry do it all the time, especially after she died, but not that much recently. Mason, of corse, handled it harder then Henry even though Henry would cry at night. After the crying stops I go into Henry and Mason's room to see Spencer holding Mason, both asleep, in the rocking chair. Tear stains on both their cheeks.

{Reid's POV}

'How can we not talk about family, when family's all that we got!' The music sang. That was one of JJ's favorite songs. 'Maybe I'm just a kid in love. Maybe I'm just a kid in love, oh baby. If this is what it's like falling in love, then I don't ever want to grow up.' Th next song sang. JJ always said I was just a kid in love, but that I was her kid in love. "Spence." I hear "Not now." I say "Spence open you eyes." She says "I don't want to." I say "Do it." JJ says as I open them "Come on." She says holding out her hand. I look down at Mason and put him in his bed. "Awe I miss him. I saw him earlier. My mom's next. Then Henry. And Morgan. And Emily. Rossi. Hotch. Garcia. Everybody." She says "Why do you do this to us?" I say "Because you need to remember me." She says "Why JJ?! We remember you!" I say "Fine you want me gone forever?" She says "Yeah that would be nice!" I yell "Ok Dr. Grouch. I'll leave you alone. But I will be back." She says as she disappears. I open my eyes to see Mason asleep in his bed, and me standing in the middle of the room. Why does this keep happening.

{Emily's POV}

"Stop!" I yell at Derek "No! I'm done Emily! I'm done sitting here every single day not being able to be with your or the baby!" He yells "She has a name!" I yell back "Sophie Jennifer Morgan. I know Emily!" He yells back "Fine leave! I don't care!" I yell as I pick up Sophie "I will." He says slamming the door behind him. I honestly thought he wouldn't go. Maybe this is the end of us. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat on the couch and cried. I just lost the man I love. Forever.

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