Ch.9:; Do You Know How Long Its Been?

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"Niall, what's wrong?" I ask, walking up to the NOT singing Niall.

"She's here." Was all he said before he ran off stage.

Backstage, I saw him talking to Paul. It looks like Paul is yelling at him?

I see the confused looks in the crowd, and on my band mates faces.

We finish the song anyways, letting the fans sing the rest of Niall's solo.

"What's wrong with Niall?" Harry asked me as we were running off stage to change.

"She's here?" I answer.


When I finish changing, oddly being the first one done, I walk toward the curtain where I can see the crowd, but they can't see me.

I carefully scan the crowd for any face that I might recognize as a reason Niall would stop singing.

It took about thirty second to spot it.

To spot her.

The Girl I've heard so much about.

The girl from the pictures.

The girl from the stories.

The Best-Friend.




A soon as I saw her. I knew it was her, even though she's changed a bit, her hair grew longer, she's wearing make up, it doesn't fit her. She's much more beautiful without it. She's not wearing as much as most of the girls here, but I see it. Still pretty either way.

I had tried to run out in the crowd. I want to wrap her in my arms. To tell her how much I've missed her. Tell her how sorry I am for not keeping in touch.

But I cant.

Paul told me I would get killed. The girls out there would eat me alive. Which In all honesty, I believe, but at this moment, I don't care.

I tried to run past him, but the guards are a little stronger than me. And by a little, I mean a WHOLE lot.

"Niall, come on, you know you can't do that." Jake, the biggest guard told me.

"I- I have to see her. Do you know how long it's been?!" I try to explain.

He nods his head, "I know, kid. But come on. We'll send someone to get her for you, okay?"

I nod my head sadly. "Make sure it's fast."

I walk over to the empty couch as the boys run off stage. This concert is over. I left on the last song. Oops.

"Niall?" Louis asks sitting next to me. "What's wrong mate?"

"I saw her. PJ, I mean" I told him.

"Ohhh," he said, nodding his head.

"Yupp," I nodded back. "And someone went to get her. I really can't wait to see her, you don't understand how much I miss her."

"I do, though," he explained. Happy, crazy Louis being serious? "I leave Eleanor, every tour, every concert, every interview. Niall, it hurts. I know, but knowing that I'm going to see her soon. That's what helps me through it."

I don't know what to say.

So I say nothing at all, I just hug him.

"Niall?" I hear another guard, Sam's voice, "we had to cancel the whole backstage pass thing this concert, there were too many people. And im sorry.. it's too late. It got crazy out there. She's gone."

She's gone.

She's gone!

She's gone?




Really sorry that this chapter is so short. But I like it. Just the boys' POV's this one <3

Okay, tell me whatcha think?

Sorry, it would be longer, but I like cliffhangers, and I couldn't think of a good one if I would've kept going, even though this isn't much of one anyways. Heh. Plus it's almost midnight, I have school in the morning, and I'm really tired. *yawn*

Hey! My daddi's birthday is on Tuesday (the ninth) <33 that's exciting ^.^


Yupp, so goodnight :*

P.S. Stay Strong <3


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