Ch.22: ByeByeBye(:

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Hai guys, today I found out that my sorta-Uncle, Roy had passed away, along with a lady named Paula from my church. So, rest in paradise to those two <3 I know they're in a better place, and their suffering is finally over <3




Anyway, do you guys want me to speed the story up? Or keep with this pace? I feel like you guys are gonna get bored with it and stop reading :/ yeah, so comment please?

Aaaaannnndddd, I have pretty much the rest of the story planned out in bullets in my notes, I have it planned at around somewhere between 35-45 chapters as of now... So yeahh.. :o

Ohmygods :o



"Goodmorning, beautiful," I hear someone say in my ear.

"What time is it?!" I ask, slapping the British voice away.

"Like, 10! Geddup!" This time I realized it was Zayn, coming to wake me up.

"Leavvvee me allooonnee!!" I yell, pulling the pillows over my head.

Our allnighter lasted until about 3am when I finally got her to shut up and told her I was going to bed, but still, she was up this early?

Stupid people.

"Hunter called, he said to tell you to be ready by 10:30." Zayn tells me, "you have half an hour. He said you'll be back by noon, and we're all going out at 1:00 with Louis. He's leaving at 6, so rise and shine. Dall made breakfast."

"Ugh," I Groan, rising from my bed and stomping into the bathroom, quickly showering and brushing my teeth.

I sigh, straightening my hair today, and pushing my fringe away from my eyes. I look at my hair, throwing a black beanie on my head.

I slip into a pair of light colored skinny jeans and throw on a black tank top, and a blue off the shoulder shirt with the words 'keep calm and be sexy ;)' and search for my phone and black Toms.

I grab my phone from the charger on my bed and slip my shoes on my feet, looking my outfit over before swiping on some eyeliner and tan eyeshadow.

Eh, good enough.

As I descend the stairs, Bentley yells for me to come to the kitchen.

I smile as he scoots a plate toward me, "eat up."

"Thanks," I smile, shoving the bacon into my mouth. "Thith ith willy gewd," I tell him through my full mouth.

"Heh, I know, it's my specialty," Bentley laughs, taking a bow.

I laugh, swallowing as I hear a knock on the door.

I swear every person in the household, excluding me, Bentley, and our dad are sitting in the living room, yet out loving friends wait for one of us to get the door.

Oh, they're great.

"Hey," I say, opening the door, and letting Hunter enter.

"Hey," he smiles, kissing my cheek.

Ahh, cute!

I laugh, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go tell Dad that I'm going out."

"Alright I'll just wait in here." He says, walking over to the couch that's occupied by Liam and Harry.

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