Ch32: Confessions

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Sorry updates are so slow, but I start my first day of sophomore year tomorrow, and I'm sorta nervous. But I think updates should be a little faster.. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know..

8/21/13 Aaaaaaannndd, the 1st day was fun and confusing and slow whoop. 2nd day was fun and confusing and meh speed xP

(8/25 so sorry about updates, Katina's fine, she has to wear a neck brace for 2 weeks and she had surgery on her eye. But she's okay. She's not dead :))






"Hey there, sexy." Katina says, walking into my room.

"Someone's in a good mood." I comment, looking up at her.

"Zany took me on a cute date." She smiles, sitting down on the bed with me.

"Awww, tell meee." I smile back at her.

"So, he took me to this aquarium. And he had a picnic laid out. And it was so sweet." She smiles, her cheeks turning red. "And he's just so adora-"

She's cut off by Louis opening my door and peeking his red, puffy eyes into the room. "Can I talk to you, Pj?"

"Course," I say to him, then look at Katina, "I'll talk to you later. Kay?"

"Yeah. Great." She says, looking concerned.

I nod as she exits and I pat my bed so Louis can sit next to me.

"What's wrong BooBear?" I ask, genuinely concerned. He looks torn up.

"El." He states simply.

"Aww, what happened?" I ask, wondering.

"I shouldn't be so sad. We broke up. But it was mutual. I told her... Something. And she didn't take it well." He explains, "not to mention the fact that we never got to see each other. And now, I don't know what to do about that something because I'm stupid and it'll never happen anyways. gah, why am I so stupid?!"

"Firstly, you're not stupid, Louis! And maybe it was for the best. You and El were great together, but maybe you're meant to be with someone els-"

"That's the problem! I think I know who that someone else is, but they'll never feel the same." He tells me.

"Hey, I wasn't finished." I smile, "but really, I can't help much if I don't know what that 'something' is. And if you think you know who it might be, give it a try. Have you told her how you feel? Maybe she likes you back and she's just shy."

He mumbles something under his breath that sounds remarkably like 'he.'

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing," he sighs.

"Lou. Is it a boy?" I ask, quietly, resting my hand on his knee.

He doesn't answer, but lets a few tears fall from his already red eyes. "I thought about it. A lot. And I told El. And she told me that she already knew it was coming. And I'm so stupid. How? Why am I so.. Abnormal. Is this curable?"

I hugged his so tight that I thought he might suffocate, and I cried too. "Louis. It's not curable because its not an illness. It's life. And it's a beautiful life. It's your life! It's perfectly fine. It's perfectly normal. Of course people are going to hate. But hey, what would we be without the haters? Booorrinng." I smile, "and Lou. You are NOT stupid."

"Thank you, JeanieBoo. A lot." He says, squeezing me. "I didn't tell El who it was."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. That's okay. But if you want to, I'd like to know, just out of curiosity." I smile.

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