Ch.4:: Im Not Sure

261 6 0

4/2/13 ((these are the dates I wrote the chapters, not uploaded them ^.^))





"Mummmm!!!" Katina and I yell as mum opens the door and walks into the living room.

"Pj!! Katina!!" She yells, wrapping the two of us in a hug, as our pit bull dog, Fletcher, runs up and starts barking happily.. And loudly. "And Fletchie!!" She adds, scratching the chocolate colored fur on his head.

"Mum, did you have fun?" I ask letting go and turning around to walk onto the living room. Only to realize I had dropped my bags on the floor, so I trip and fall onto the cold, wood floor. "I think I'll stay here.."

"Yeah, I did," she says, reaching a hand down to help me up , which I gladly take.

As I'm pulled off the floor, Katina laughing, mum says, "come on girls, I've got something for you."

We both smile, and follow her into the living room.


"Okay!" Mum says, excited, holding something behind her back, "ready?"

"Yes mum! Give it to me!!" I laugh

"That's what he said," Katina laughed, and attempted a wink.

"Oh yeah, what was that? A face spasm?" I ask

"Shu'up," she says, embarrassed.

"Girls, girls! Stop, here!!" Mum said, handing us each an envelope.

I looked at her confused.

"Bentley has one too," mum informs me, "go ahead, open it!!"

I look at Katina and we count,

"One.." I say.

"Two.." She continues.

"Three.!" We say, together, tearing the envelope open.

"OHMIGOSH!! ONE DIRECTION CONCERT TICKETS!!!!" Katina yells, before I even finish opening mine. "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!"

"Hah. Thanks mum.!" I say, a little less excited, hugging my mum.

"OHMIGOSH!! OHMIGOSH!! B-backstage passes?!" Katina yelled, again. "OHMIGOSH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!"

I laughed at her excitement.

"I love you guys too, and your welcome," mum laughs. "Pj, I figured you might wanna see Niall? You haven't seen him in forever. And Katina, well you obviously want to go."

I'm not sure.

Yeah, I really want to see Niall again, but what if he doesn't want to see me?

What if he doesn't even remember me?

What if he does, but acts like he doesn't?

What if the fame has gotten to him?

What if I never get my best friend back?




Concert ticket.

Backstage pass.

Mom gave me an envelope, but told me not to open it until she texted me.

She texted me 5 minutes ago.

A One Direction concert ticket?

A One Direction backstage pass?

A note to explain.

' Bentley,

I know this probably won't be as much fun for you, as your sister and adopted sister, but they're huge 1D fans, and I thought maybe you guys could go to a concert together? You don't HAVE to go, you can give the ticket away if you'd like. Okay, I hope you guys have fun together.

Love, Mom<3. '

Maybe I should've told her that they're my friends. That would've been a lot less expensive... And loud, I could just invite them over?

Maybe all of the fangirls at the concert could be fun?



"Okay, boys," I announce as soon as we get back on the bus. "Three more days, then were off for a month! Awesome right?"

All of the boys nod their heads excitedly at my words. Especially Niall. He's been talking about going back to his hometown over the break to visit his best friend, Pj. She seems pretty nice from what he's told us about her. Which is a WHOLE lot. The only thing he's been talking about since last week.

He sure misses her.

I don't understand why he doesn't just call her, but it's not really my business I guess.

"After the last concert, I need to go visit Bentley and Loki, you guys are welcome to come if you'd like, but you don't have to." I say.

I know all the lads are quite fond if my friend, and my dog for that matter. But I'm not sure if they'll wanna come this time.

"How long are you staying?" Niall asks. I assumed he was leaving right after the concert, but he seems interested.

"Only overnight. I think anyways," I tell him.

"I'll go," he says simply. I think he's a bit nervous about going home.

All the boys nod and agree that they'll be visiting Bentley along with me.

I text Bentley;

'Hey, is it okay if the lads come too, when I visit? x'

Seconds later, my phone vibrates in my hand.

'Yeh. Thts kool. My sistrs n me r comin 2 ur concrt n 3 dys, c u thr?'

I laugh at his terrible grammar, I wonder if he does it on purpose, and I respond.

'Okay, we'll see you. Do you guys have backstage passes? I didn't know you had sisters, they've never been at your house before. x'

Quickly, my phone vibrates again,

'Yep. Mom gt em 4 us. N yeh, I do tey liv n irelnd tho. I nvr mt 1 of em, hvnt sen 1 n 13 yrs.'

Ooh, he spelled like five words right that time.

'Oh, that's great. I'm happy for you.! And okay, I'll see you backstage :) if not, I'll see you at your house, soon x'

With that, I put my phone in my pocket, and lay down for a well deserved nap.



Okay, 3 POV's here ^.^ it's cause they're all really short, sorry my chapters are so short >.<

Anyways, vote? Comment? Or not?

Okay.. Buhbye <3

P.S. Stay Strong<3


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