Ch.17: No Answer.

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Well, my freaking chapter got deleted AGAIN! Ugh, I was almost finished too. That's so sad :(

Well.. Yeahh..



On the short ride to the movie theater, I watched PJ talking and smiling. Even though its a bit obvious that Niall likes her, I can't help but understand his reasoning to do so.

Walking into our respected theaters, I watch Montana and Bentley walk hand in hand as Seth and Jake follow the example. Before entering our theater, PJ and I buy a bucket of popcorn to share.

"Hey, Hunter!" She says as we take our seats, grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Think fast," she laughs, throwing the remaining popcorn from her hands at me.

"Oh, better watch it girlie!" I laugh, tossing some at her in return.

She laughs, "it's on!"

Needless to say, before the movie was even started, we were out of popcorn between throwing and eating it.

"Do you want more?" I ask.

"No, but if you do I can go get it." She says, smiling.

"Oh, no I'm fine." I smile back.

She shrugs as the movie begins to play.


Halfway through, she looks at me and whispers, "I'm bored."

"Wanna go somewhere?" I ask in a whisper.


"I saw a park on the way." I tell her.

"Okay!" She says.

We exit the theater and walk toward the park.

The whole walk we spend playing 20 questions- getting to know eachother and laughing.

"I see the parkk!!" She screams as the park comes into view and she starts running toward it, only to turn back around and grab my arm, "come on slow poke!" She says, pulling me along with her and laughing.

I laugh, following her to the swings where she sits and I walk behind her, pushing it lightly.

The wind blows through her long brown hair, and I speak without thinking. "You're beautiful."


"Thanks," she says, looking down at her lap, her cheeks instantly turning an adorable light pink.



"Babe." I whisper to my boyfriend of almost three months.

"Yeh?" He asks, looking at me with those cute blue/gray eyes I fell in love with.

"Look at them," I whisper, eyeing Seth and Jake as they sit next to us, hand in hand, Seth's wavy blonde hair pressed against Jake's equally wavy brunette hair, their foreheads resting together as they whisper cute things to each other.

"They're adorable," Bentley smiles.

"I know," I whisper, receiving a gentle squeeze from Bentley's side of our intertwined fingers.

"I love you," he whispers to me, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

It's these sweet but simple gestures I love about him.

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