Ch.21: A Night of Fangirl.

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6/1/13 - even though I'm not writing today, I just wanted to say wow. It's been two whole months since I've began writing WHTBF((yeah, you get it..)) and I, for one am proud. I never thought i'd have over 300 people reading MY story, I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but to me it is, I'm used to one or two.. Three or four people at the most reading my stories. And thanks guys so much! :))


Okay, so any Janoskianators here? Ohmigosh, I love those boys, they're so freaking hilarious, not to mention extremely attractive! xD yeah, so if I were to write a Janoskian fanfic, would anyone read it? Ooh, and which one of them do you like the best? Comment?

Oh, and I saw something on twitter..... Did Adam Sandler die? Cause if he really did this time.... I'll cry for years! >.<

Oh and, *SPOILER-ish ALERT* in case you were wondering, The boys will have a longer stay.. I just have to find a reason for them to stay longer.. Yeahh..



((Later That Night.))

"But look! Just look at it!! Take in the beauty!" I laugh pointing to my left cheek, "Edward Christopher freaking Sheeran kissed this!"

I jump on my bed that Katina's sitting on. I was too excited to wait to tell her that I haven't even put another shirt on.

"Hey, your bra's cute!" She laughs as I sit in only my bra and shorts. I had contained it long enough to put a pair of purple, plaid night shorts on. "And I know, I saw!"

"But ohmogosh!! Can you believe it!?!? Ed Sheeran!! Ohmigosh, I love Harry, he's amazing!" I ramble.

As soon as I had walked through the door, I ran up to Harry, hugging him and telling him how much I love him. I mean come on, he got me to actually TALK to Ed for hours.

"I can believe it PJ, you've been telling us since Hunter dropped you off. Plus I was there!" She laughs.

"I know, I'm sorry. I probably sound like you did when Zayn first got here," I laugh.

"I didn't even go crazy!" She says, blushing.

"Sure..." I laugh. "But I just remembered something.... Weren't the boys only staying overnight? It's been like.. A week and a half."

"Yeah, I don't know.. Ask Niall?" Kat says.

"Ask Niall what?" Niall asks, walking through my door."oh, uhm.. Sorry." He says, putting his hand over his eyes.

I laugh, pulling a clean black tank top over my head. "Okay, I'm decent, and it's not like you haven't seen me in my bra before!"

"Yeah, but that was.... I dunno, but I figured.. Since we haven't seen eachother for a while."

"Niall, it's fine," I laugh.

He nods, "anyway, ask Niall what?"

"I thought you guys were only staying overnight," I tell him.

"Yeah, but I wanted to go home to see you, and you were here. I called my mum, she said its fine." He explains, "Louis' going home tomorrow though.. And Harry at the end of this week. I think Zayn is staying awhile longer and Liam is spending the whole break here."

"Ooooohh. I see." I say.

"Yeahh.. So, I was headed to the bathroom." Niall tells me.

"Oh, have fun in there," I smile.

"I'll try," he laughs, exiting my room and closing the door.

"I'm sleeping in here tonight," Katina tells me.

"Okay...?" I smile, "thanks for asking."

"Your welcome! Anyway, I'm tired. We should sleep." She tells me.

"Sleep?! Are you crazy?! I met Ed Sheeran today and you expect me to sleep?!" I ask, practically yelling.

"Yep, we're going to bed." She says, pulling me back onto the pillows next to her and pulling the huge blanket over the two of us.

"I guess I'll try.. Night," I tell her, turning off the orange lamp next to me.

"Night," she says, snuggling into the blanket more.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you something, but I guess it can wait 'til morning." I say with a yawn, finally noticing how tired I actually am.

She sighs, "what is it?"

"Hunter asked me out," I say, smiling.

"Woah! Hunter did what?!" She yells jumping up.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend." I say, calmly.

"Dude, this is huge!!! You have a boyfriend!! Woah!! I'll go get ice cream!! Allnighter!" She yells, jumping out of bed and running out of the room.

"Oh.. I'm kinda tired.." I say, even though she can't hear me.

This is gonna be a long night.


Yeah, I know, SUPER SHORT. I'm sorry, I just didn't feel like adding the next day in yet. It's 2a.m. And I felt this chapter needed to be written.. So here it is (:

And I'm not kidding, this is how Katina would act if I had a boyfriend. xD

But yeah.. Hope it's okay.

Oh, and I want some Wattpad friends, so PM me? Yeah?

Haha, so vote.. Comment.. Fan.. PWEASEEEEE?!



P.S. Stay Strong.


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