Music Hills

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Then the group arrived in Music Hills

Poppy: See not so bad it looks great

Viva: Poppy it's not how it looks it's the trolls and how they act towards us

Ablaze: My sister is a Music Hills Troll and I've been here before so I guess it should be fine

Then they go into Music Hills and the alarm goes off

Ablaze: *covers his ears* I forgot about the alarm when Pop Village Trolls step foot here

Prince Peppermint: What's going on?

Blossom: The alarm went off and it's the one you set up

Prince Peppermint: I know that Bloss

Blossom: Oh hey Ablaze 😄

Ablaze: Hi Blossom hey Peppermint

Prince Peppermint: Ablaze? Hello again but why else would the alarm go off it wouldn't if Ablaze stepped foot here

Jade Dory: What's going on?

Sandy: What did it sound like Jade the alarm went off

Vito: Annoying too

Clara: Well that's an alarm for ya Vito

Flora: I think my ears are ringing still from the sound

Spike: Did Pop Village Trolls step foot here if so I'll kill them

Blair: Whoa too far Spike

Autumn: Yeah way too far

Spike: That alarm woke Drummer up so therefore the Pop Village Trolls woke him up

Jade Dory: He's asleep now honey but yeah it was hard to put him back to sleep to get him to take a nap

Prince Peppermint: Ablaze is accepted as a Music Hills Troll but the others aren't and must be Pop Village Trolls

Holly: Why did they show up today and so many of them?

Vito: Tomorrow is Pep's coronation is this an attack to take over Music Hills and steal the Music Crystal

Poppy: What? No

Prince Peppermint: Guards lock them up

Then they were taken to the dungeon with Ablaze being spared since his sister is a Music Hills Troll and they accept him

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2Where stories live. Discover now