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Gamma was walking around Pop City

Gamma: *thinking* I wish I could be with Eddy but he's with Andie and loves her

Then she sees a troll

Troll: Hello miss the names Eagle

Gamma: Umm hi there I'm Gamma

Eagle: You're really pretty would you like to come over

Gamma: Umm sorry I have eyes for one guy and you're not my type

Eagle: Ok *thinking* How dare she not accept I will do something about this 😡

Then later Gamma went to get food and Eagle put a love potion in her drink and waited for her to take a sip

Gamma: That tastes weird 😖

Eagle: Are you ok?

Gamma: Wow you're so cute 😍

Eagle: Thanks

Then he takes her to his house (Pop City is more advanced than other places in the troll world) and for a month Gamma was there and she got pregnant with an egg and eventually had the egg (don't worry she and Eagle didn't marry) 

Egg: *forms cracks*

Gamma: Eagle the egg it's hatching 😄

Eagle: Ok

Then a baby girl that looks just like Gamma but had Tech's eyes hatched

Baby: 🥱

Gamma: Hi my baby girl

Baby: Mama 😄

Gamma: I'll call you Erin

Erin: 😄

Gamma: Isn't she cute Eagle? 😄

Eagle: Yeah spitting image of her mother

Gamma: I love her so much she's the cutest baby ever 😄

Erin: Mama 😄

Then the next morning Gamma woke up and the potion wore off

Gamma: Where am I 😨

Then she sees Eagle sleeping next to her

Gamma: What is he doing did he kidnap me 😨

Then she gets changed into her normal clothes and was about to leave when

Erin: 😭

Gamma: Huh?

Then she goes to the nursery and sees Erin

Gamma: Hello there little one

Then she picks Erin up

Erin: Mama 😄

Gamma: I had a baby 🤯

Erin: Mama 😄

Then Gamma heard Eagle coming and she takes Erin and leaves

Gamma: Ok Erin

Erin: Mama 😄

Gamma: I have no clue how I had you but I assume since you call me mama and you look just like me that you are my baby

Then she goes to her brother Tech's apartment

Tech: Hey sis I was so worried about you

Gamma: It's a long story

Erin: Mama 😄

Tech: Wait what you had a baby 🤯

Gamma: I know but can we do a dna test just to be sure

Tech: Ok let's do that

Then they get a dna test and find out that Erin is Gamma's daughter and Gamma takes her daughter to her home and Tech helps her raise Erin

The next day

Gamma hears a knock on the door

Gamma: Hello?

Eddy: Hey Gamma

Gamma: Eddy hi come in

Eddy: It's great to see you again Gamma the Mob has been so worried about you

(The mob is a dance group just so you know)

Gamma: I'm glad I'm not with that Eagle guy that apparently forced me into a relationship

Eddy: What?

Erin: 😭

Gamma: It's ok Erin *gives Erin a bottle*

Erin: *enjoying her bottle*

Eddy: Wait you had a baby 🤯

Gamma: Apparently but I love her so much

Erin: 😊

Eddy: She is cute just like her mama um I mean she looks just like her mama *thinking* stupid why did I say that

Gamma: Thanks she is a cutie maybe she can join the Mob when she's older

Eddy: Definitely *thinking* What am I feeling towards Gamma? Love? No I can't I'm with Andie

Then Gamma introduced little Erin to the Mob and they loved the little baby 

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2Where stories live. Discover now