Secret Sibling

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Kismet, BroZone, Viva, and Poppy went into a cave when some magic happened

Prince Peppermint: Blossom in a few weeks mom is gonna make me the king of Music Hills

Blossom: That's great Pep 😄

Prince Peppermint: Yeah I just hope that I can protect everyone like my mom has done all these years

Blossom: Oh Pep stop worrying you'll be a great king

Prince Peppermint: But Bloss I've never really met my father and my mom tells me that I had an older sister named Viva and a twin named Poppy but she said that on Trollstice they they 🥺

Blossom: Oh Pep I'm so sorry to hear that

Then she hugs him

Prince Peppermint: I wish that I could've met them 🥺

Blossom: I know but your mom has taught you so much you're ready to be king

Prince Peppermint: Thanks Bloss I just wish I could've met my dad and my sisters I was a baby when they died

Blossom: I know

Prince Peppermint: At least I have you Bloss

Blossom: *kisses Peppermint*

Prince Peppermint: 🥰

Blossom: Let's go have some fun

Prince Peppermint: Ok as long as we're safe as well

Blossom: Such a worrier come on have some fun

Then she pulls him to the streets to have fun

Prince Peppermint: Blossom please be careful

Blossom: Come on Pep don't be such a worry wort let lose and have some fun

Prince Peppermint: But Bloss

Blossom: Don't you "But Bloss" me you never have fun since you found out about why Pop Village Trolls aren't allowed here

Prince Peppermint: Because it's important that they do not get let in so I made sure to set up some defense systems that will turn on as soon as a Pop Village troll steps foot here

Blossom: You're so smart Pep 😄

Prince Peppermint: Thank you and I hooked it up to a set of headphones that I have and they are different from my mint ones so I can tell them apart

Blossom: Ok now can you have some fun? What happened to the fun Peppermint that I used to know?

Prince Peppermint: Fine but Bloss we're growing up sometimes we need to get serious

Blossom: I understand that but sometimes we need to take a break and you gotta have fun

Prince Peppermint: Ok I see your point Bloss

Blossom: Yay let's have some more fun

Prince Peppermint: Ok but I have to meet my mom later today

Blossom: Ok come on let's have some fun 😄

Then she pulls him

Prince Peppermint: Whoa

Then it stops

Poppy: I have a twin brother 🤯

Viva: Yeah you do I just never was supposed to tell you cause I thought he was gone I was never able to find him or mom

Poppy: Viva you should've told me

Viva: I know it's just I also thought that maybe you knew already but I should've also realized that dad wouldn't say anything 

Poppy: Well let's go

Branch: What?

Viva: Yeah what?

Poppy: Let's go to Music Hills and see Peppermint 

Viva: Poppy we can't do that we're Pop Village Trolls

Poppy: So?

Viva: They hate Pop Village Trolls for reasons that I can't really explain 

Poppy: What?

Clay: It's true it all started when the troll tree was one and the trolls would fight about the music crystal that had every song that was made and half of the trolls hated the idea of what happened with the strings and they broke off during the last Trollstice and made Music Hills

Viva: If Peppermint is a Music Hills Troll then he hates us as well

Poppy: Well I'm gonna change that and get them to like us again

Branch: Remember the process last time we tried this?

Poppy: But it turned out alright in the end

Branch: In the end Poppy we were put in jail

Floyd: What?

Clay: Yeah what?

Branch: Long story

Poppy: Well not gonna stop me 

Then she leaves with the others following not knowing what will happen to them there

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