Chapter 16

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Emma's P.O.V

"We're going now." My Queen says, and then wind engulfs us.

A few seconds later I find myself on solid land again and once the purple smoke dissipates I look around. We're in another castle and Her Majesty takes a seat at the table in front of us.

"Don't move." She barks when I go to take a seat and I frown but don't take a step.

"Regina, nice to see you again so soon." I hear a smooth voice and watch as Rumplestiltskin walks into the room. My mouth gets dry and I look between the two of them in a panicked way.

"Oh Rumple the pleasure is all mine." She says sarcastically. They stare each other down while I stand there. It's almost as if I'm not truly there.

"Why are you here?" He asks finally.

"I want you to remove Emma's magic." My Queen says and I turn to gape at her. Rumple's face screws into a confused look.

"You want me to what?" He asks, sounding completely unlike the man I know.

"Remove her magic. Get rid of it. Have her be ordinary." She states in a bored tone. I look away from her and to Rumple. I think he can sense the panic in my eyes and for once feels compassion for someone else.

"I can't just take away someone's magic. I might kill her." He waves his hand and she sighs.

"There has to be a way. She can't have magic. It would ruin my plans." She says, her jaw set. She stands up, planting her hands on the table.

"Your plans?"

"Oh, you wish to know them?" She smiles, but it's not happy or joyous. She looks vengeful. She walks towards me while waving her hands in the air. "I plan to rip this woman apart, break her spirit. She took my son and any way I could have happiness. She deserves to pay."

Her words rip into my soul and I take a shuddering breath. I always knew she had darkness in her heart but I never truly know it was this bad. She has no remorse in her. 

"I didn't do anything on purpose! I never wanted to hurt you!" I burst out. Her head snaps in my direction and I see her eyes are glowing purple.

"Do not speak!" She roars and I cower away from her.

"Regina, I can't just get rid of her magic. That's not how it works." Rumple sighs and she slowly turns to look back at him.

"Figure it out." She spits.

"This will require a terrible price dearie." Rumple tells her and I can't believe that he's going to go through with this.

"I killed my father in order to enact the Dark Curse. I don't care what your price is." Her Majesty says calmly and he gives her a wry smile.

"I shall look but there is no guarantee. Now, get out." Rumple tells us with a smile and My Queen waves her arm in response, getting the two of us out of there.

We're back at her castle, and I fall to the ground under the dizzying effect of the spell and the weight of the chains.

"Guards!" I hear Regina call out faintly and I reach up to touch my head. My mind is fuzzy and I feel nauseous. Clomping feet enter the room and I look up to see that two guards are coming towards me.

"Take her to the dungeons. Rip off her dress. But do not touch her inappropriately and do not take off the cuffs." I hear the queen instruct and then hands are around my arms.

"Wait." I try to get out. My mouth is stuffy and no one listens to me. They drag me away and through the halls. I can sense people staring at me and hear their quiet voices murmuring about me. I'm sure they always talk about me. It takes a few minutes before I sense the change in the atmosphere. The air turns dank and stuffy, the temperature drops enough to raise goosebumps on my arms, and I open my eyes. Everything clears and I try to make things out in the dark. We pass cell by cell and I see no one down here.

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