Chapter 8

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Regina's P.O.V 

"Well Emma. Are you ready for your first lesson?" 

"Sure?" She shrugs, rubbing her hands on her pants. I can tell she's nervous and that thought makes me a bit excited.

"Do you wish to know what this lesson will be about?" 

"Yes." Emma answers and I smile at her.


Her face scrunches up in confusion at this word and I laugh.

"Do you not know what that means dear?" I ask, taunting her. She gives me a mad look and I laugh once more.

"Of course I know what it means. Why do I need a lesson on it?" She asks me.

"Well because you never do what you are told and definitely not when I say it. Which needs to change. Today."

"How are you going change that?" She asks quietly and I can smell the fear coming from the blonde woman.

"Well you are going to do what I say, when I say or there will be something I like to call a punishment. It's like a quick way for you to learn rules. Although these things will be different from the usual. I'm testing you Emma. I hope you don't fail." I give her a wicked smirk and she gulps.

"Okay." She drags the word out as she shuffles from one foot to the other. She keeps glancing at the door before back to me. 

"Stop looking at the door and keep your eyes on me." I demand, keeping my hands planted firmly on my hips. She looks away from the door and I know she's trying hard not to look back.

"Now, the next thing I want you to do..." I tap my fingers on my chin. "Undress me. Completely."

"What?" Emma says, her green eyes widening. She just stands there and stares at me.

"You heard me. And if you don't do it in about ten seconds I'll make sure you wish you had." I threaten and she steps forward until she's right in front of me. Emma continues to walk until she places herself behind me and pulls at the string holding my dress together. She undoes it slowly until she can push it off my shoulders. I let her do all the work, letting her hands trail along my skin and leave the dress to pool at my feet. I step out of it and turn to look at her. We're about the same height, her heels and my own leaving us taller than usual. Of course mine are taller than hers so she's just a little shorter than I.

"Lay the dress on the bed Emma." I say quietly and she picks it up cautiously as to not wrinkle the fabric. 

"Now, take off your heels." She does as asked and I hear her give a small sigh of pleasure as she pulls the shoes off her feet. She places them beside the bed.

"Tell me what you are thinking." I ask her and she looks at me.

"I..." She trails off.

"The first thing that comes to mind. Or do you need something to prompt your thoughts?" I ask and step closer to her. She's in a loose fitting gown, the same colour as her eyes while I'm in a black and red corset and matching underwear. I see her blink and her pink lips part. It's like her mind can't form a coherent sentence.

"I'll help you. How does it feel when I do... this?" I ask her as I go to her back and unlace her dress, making sure my fingertips trail along her skin as much as possible. Emma swallows before one single word falls from her lips.


"Fire? What do you mean?" I ask, pushing the dress off her body. I take in the simple white corset and matching lace panties as I walk around to face her. 

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