A World of Darkness

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It's been about two years since Emma Swan broke the Evil Queen's Dark Curse. Everyone in Storybrooke has been transported back to the Enchanted Forest, including Emma and Henry. All the fairy tale characters have gone back to their lives, with Snow White and Prince Charming ruling the kingdom. The Evil Queen, Regina, has been exiled and shunned to the her castle without her son, who refuses to make contact with her. Regina wanted to change but now she's willing to do whatever she can to get her son back.


This story takes place after Emma breaks the Season 1 curse.

TW: Abuse, violence.

This story will be dark and smutty as well as girlxgirl. THIS MEANS IT WILL DISCUSS SENSITIVE TOPICS. so if you don't like, don't read. Or hey, read and don't comment hate. This is my stuff, I can do what I want with it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the setting

A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now