Chapter 19

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Regina's P.O.V

"That? That's not defiance." I scoff. "All I have to do is do something to ease her pleasure centre and she's putty in my hands once more. Right, Emma?" I ask her as I tweak the bud in my fingers, making her squeeze her legs together. I squeeze and pull on her nipples for a few moments and then move down to her legs, prying them apart. I gently run a finger along her folds and then pull it out to inspect it.

"Well, would you look at that?" I ask sarcastically. "She's already wet for me and just a few moments ago I was hurting her. Sounds like a broken toy to me."

"You're sick." Robin says, and then glances down at the blade. He looks back up at me and then the next few moments happen in slow motion.


Emma's P.O.V

My body betrays me as Regina toys with me to make an example for Robin Hood. The pain I feel almost took over my body until she began to touch me the way only she can. I look between the two of them, my shoulders straining from the pressure of the chains dangling me from the ceiling. Robin calls Regina sick and then I watch as he looks down at the blade he was given to hurt me. A sick sense of both glee and horror takes over me as I watch him pull his arm back and bring it towards Regina with a speed I have only seen from the queen herself.

Regina's hand glows purple as she deflects the blow at the last second, the blade nicking her. The horror strikes me when the deflected blade slices through my skin and into my stomach. A guttural scream rips from my mouth and a second later I can get a coppery taste in my mouth. Blood.

"Emma." Regina whispers, coming to me immediately. She grabs onto the knife, just barely moving it inside me and I let out a sob. This unlike any of the torture she has ever dealt me and I can feel myself slipping away. With fuzzy eyesight I watch Regina turn to Robin and put heavy shackles on him with magic. He sinks to the ground with the weight of the metal and what he's done.

"Don't fucking die, pet. I'm not done with you." Regina growls, and although she sounds harsh I can hear the panic in her voice. Even though the pain is too much for me to fall asleep I close my eyes.

"Do not close your eyes!" My Queen screeches, and I open my eyes because it was an order.

"One of you put your hands under her legs, the other under her torso. I'm going to magic away the chains and if she falls to the floor I will kill both of you." I hear Regina say and a few moments later I can feel calloused hands supporting my body. Suddenly the chains are gone and I slip just a little bit, the knife moving around in my body. A whimper escapes my body and then I'm on the floor.

"So much blood..." Someone murmurs and I know whoever it is has seen me bleed before; so it must be bad for them to say that.

"Get the rug from the throne, we need it for the blood." Regina instructs and one of the guards standing over me leaves my eyesight. When he comes back, my rug in hand, he looks at her expectantly. "I'm going to pull the blade out. When I do, I need you to press that her wound. Even if she makes noises, keep pressing. She's in pain anyways and I need to staunch the bleeding before I can heal her."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He says, and then kneels down beside me. It's getting so much harder to breathe and something wet is trickling from my mouth.

There's a moment of silence before the knife is pulled from me. Regina tries to be gentle but it is still excruciating and I can't help screaming. Then the rug is pressed to my side and I scream louder. Tears drip from my eyes in a steady flow but I barely notice them.

"Remove the rug, I have to see the wound." My Queen demands and then the pressure is gone. I can feel the blood leaving my body as parts of me go numb. Maybe death won't hurt that bad.

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