Chapter 26

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here goes, the very last chapter! I'm going to repeat myself with the A/N down at the bottom but I want to say thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting. you guys have been so sweet to me :)

Emma wakes up in a strange bed, in a strange room with a pounding headache. Her green eyes open slowly and she rolls over to get a better look at her surroundings. It is her room back at Snow's palace.

Across the castle Snow wakes up with David by her side, his shackles gone and his arms wrapped around his wife. She sits up slowly, drinking in her room like a cool glass of water. She shakes David's shoulders, not understanding what happened.

Regina wakes up in the dining hall of her castle, her head unable to stop the throbbing behind her eyes. She tries to remember how she ended up laying on the floor, her dress crumpled and her hair free from the pins they were initially set in.

Emma gets out of bed and pulls on a simple lace in the front corset and pulls on underwear, a long-sleeved shirt and some trousers. She pads barefoot out of her room and across to stand in front of Henry's door. Her hand shakily goes for the doorknob but she stops where she is, afraid that this is some sick dream she's had before. She goes to see Henry but he's gone. She takes a deep breath and twists it anyways, opening the door and finding Henry laying in his bed sleeping. As her eyes take in the boy she hasn't seen in over a year she lets out a sob. Her hand covers her mouth to muffle the noise but a rogue sound escapes. Henry stirs in the bed and rolls over to find Emma at his door.

"Mom?" He asks groggily and Emma nods. He throws off his covers excitedly, and runs over to the blonde. Henry hugs Emma tightly, hoping she is real. The genuine human contact shocks her at first, and she tenses up. But Emma remembers it's just Henry, and his hug is real, so she relaxes.

"Oh my god mom I missed you so much." Henry cries, sniffling and he pulls back to look at her face. Emma wipes away her tears and then his, smiling down at the teenage boy wrapped around her.

"I missed you too kiddo." She says, but her mind still jumps to wondering how Her Queen... how Regina is. If she's okay. What the hell she did to everyone?

"Let's go check and see if your grandparents are okay." Emma says and Henry nods, letting go of Emma to get dressed quickly. Emma wonders if Snow and David are even there. They make their way across the castle and open their bedroom door, finding them laying in bed in the clothes they were in the night before. Snow's hair is wild and her clothes messy and David looks ruffled.

"Are you guys okay?" Emma asks and they quickly sit up to look at her.

"Emma!" Snow gasps, jumping out of bed to hug Emma. David joins her soon and they sandwich their grown daughter with love. Emma slightly bristles at the warm affection but remembers that this is just her parents, and they love her.

"We're going to go check on everyone." Snow says and Emma nods, following after her parents. She helps them make sure everyone made it back safely, and they find Red's lifeless body in the dining hall, transformed back to a human. Granny wept over her and they grieved, planning a funeral for their dear friend. Snow tried to keep a tough facade but Emma knew she was devastated. And all the while all Emma could think of was Regina. How she feels, if she's okay, what she could do to find out.

Regina gets herself bathed and changed; she eats breakfast and walks through her castle. She finds herself in the hall, looking over the room. It's spotless, as if she never crushed a girls heart, as if she never ripped a bloody arrow from her shoulder, as if the wind she summoned didn't disturb everything. The injury from her shoulder is gone, not even scratch and her brain can not figure out what happened.

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