Chapter 4

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Emma's P.O.V

"Have a drink. You aren't riding anywhere tonight." Regina jokes and I give a laugh. She looks so comfortable and in her element, expensive dresses and jewels and people waiting on her hand and foot.

"Well isn't that a fact." I say and grab the glass, taking a long sip. Suddenly I hear the sound of running feet and I look at the doorway. Henry comes running in, dressed in a prince's attire and looking like a very handsome thirteen year old boy.

"Hey mom! I'm so hungry after this afternoon's math and riding lessons. I also heard we have a guest." Henry babbles on until he sees me, stopping to stare at me with wide eyes.


"Hi Henry." I say quietly, not knowing what to expect from him. He just stares at me with his lips slightly parted.

"What, uh, what are you doing here?" He asks, slowly sitting down.

"I wanted to visit you, talk to you. It's been a month Henry and I've missed you so much." I tell him, a warmth in my heart at the site of him I haven't felt since he left.

"I've missed you too but I like it here. People may still be afraid of my mother but everyone treats me the same. Plus I'm a little bit more of a prince here. People actually call me Prince Henry here instead of Sir Henry or just plain, old Henry."

"Well you can get people to call you Prince Henry at Snow and David's castle if you want them too. Technically you are a Prince so it's your choice." I tell him, getting the feeling that he has come here to stay.

"Yeah I guess so." He falters off as a glass of water appears in front of him and he takes a sip.

"Anyways Henry, I think you should come home." I say bluntly and I notice Regina's mouth drop open.

"I don't know Emma. This is one of my homes."

"Snow and David miss you kiddo. I miss you. Come home with me tomorrow." I tell him.

"I could just go between castles I guess, a month there, a month here." Henry suggests, shrugging. I mull it over.

"That's better than nothing. Just please come home with me tomorrow for a while." I say with a smile on my face.

"Is that okay with you mom?" Henry looks at Regina and she nods. Her lips are pressed together in a line and I can tell I've upset her but he is my son too and I deserve time with him.

"Well I don't see why not." She says in a very formal tone. I try to think of something to say when servants come in, their hands filled with dishes. We eat in almost complete silence besides Henry telling Regina and I about his day. As soon as we're finished I go back to my room to lay in a hot bath and then climb into the large feather bed to sleep away my worries.


Regina's P.O.V

I walk down to breakfast the next morning alone, meeting Henry and Emma down there. I don't know how I feel about Henry leaving me today. I feel like I need some sort of collateral damage. Something like a blonde someone.

"Morning mom!" Henry calls out as I enter the room in a simple royal blue dress. I give him a big smile that he returns. Emma sits across from him, eating slowly and picking at her food.

"Good morning Henry. And you too Emma." I say and the blonde snaps her head up. She sits in a plain red gown that I assume accentuates her assets. 

"Morning Regina. Sleep well?" She asks and I raise my eyebrows. 

"Yes actually, I did. Thank you for asking. Were the sleeping arrangements comfortable for you as well?" I ask and she gives a light laugh.

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