Chapter 22

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Emma's P.O.V

"You are a fool. Look at you, kneeling on the ground in front of me. I hold your life in my hands, and you volunteer yourself to die for someone you don't know. Ridiculous."

"I may have been broken, and given myself to you, but I won't let someone else die for my actions." I say, and a surprised look washes over her face.

"Fine. But you know that I will be fixing you." She assures me.

"Yes, My Queen."


Snow's P.O.V

One year later

"We need to do something." I say, joining everyone in the dining hall where I've gathered all of our friends. Faces look up at me, no one saying a word.

"There is no way in hell Emma is there with that woman willingly. We need to get her back." I expand but I'm still met with silence. "Well?"

"Snow, how are we supposed to go through Regina's army and then her to get to Emma?" Red asks, pulling her cloak tighter around herself.

"I've been in contact with the fairies. Blue should be here any minute. With their help we should be able to get Emma back." I inform them.

"Have you ever thought that Emma is there willingly? That she is happy?" Grumpy proposes and I glare at him.

"They hated each other back in Storybrooke. Emma only spoke ill of that woman and now suddenly she's happy being friends with her?" I spit. I know I'm very unlike myself at this point, surprising everyone. They all give me confused looks and then glance at each other, murmuring amongst themselves.

"You do know there is a fine line between love and hate, right?" Jiminy says and the air leaves my lungs.

"Do not say that." I wheeze, my expression harsh and he raises two insect legs in surrender.

"Snow, you need to take a breath." David whispers in my ear and I take a deep breath in.

"Listen everyone." I say, getting their attention. "I know I have been a little on edge." I start and see some unimpressed looks.

"Okay, I have been very on edge. I don't like being this way, short with all my friends and my family. I wish to get my daughter back. I've decided to go see Regina, then I will decide if there is a reason to start a war or not." I state and suddenly people are out of their seats, angry and concerned words flying out of their mouths. David takes a stand, raising his hands to quiet everyone. It takes a few moments but they do take their seats again.

"We have sent a letter to Regina, telling her we wish to meet. She has sent us her word that she will not harm anyone as long as we come unarmed." David tells them.

"This doesn't feel right." Grumpy grumbles, a large scowl on his face.

"David and I will go together. And in case something does happen, which it won't, we have written up a document for our kingdom to fall under the rule of Henry along with an advisor of his choosing." I say and there is some mumbling but I take it as their acceptance.

"We ride out tomorrow morning." David tells them and the crowd disperses, leaving David and I alone.

"Tomorrow." I mumble, hopeful that we can get our daughter back.

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