Chapter 7

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Emma's P.O.V

"What do you call me?" Regina says, looking me straight in the eye.

"Your Majesty or My Queen." I whisper, swaying slightly on my feet. Regina smirks and I feel a sense of shame to backing down. 

"Good girl." She says with a quiet voice before capturing my lips with her own. My whole body flushes with a warm tingle but the pain snaps me out of it when her hands end up on my back. I pull away from her and she opens her eyes slowly. She gives me a smile and I blush deeply. I hear the creak of the door opening but our eyes never leave each other.

"Elise? Come take Emma to her room please." Regina calls out and before I realize what's happening I fall to the floor, momentarily blacking out. Strong arms catch me but that's all I feel before unconsciousness takes over. 


The next morning I wake up to a constant dull ache all along my stomach and back and I groan. I roll over but it hurt more although I am on a beautifully soft bed. I peel my eyes open and sit up. The crisp sheets and heavy quilt pool around my waist and I feel a breeze around my mid section. I look down and see my bare body covered in pink welts, partially healed. I gingerly poke one and bite down on my lip when throbs. I swing my legs off the bed and step on to the cold, grey, smooth stone of my bedroom and pad into the bathroom.

I see a bathrobe hanging on a rack and pull it on, looking for some way to fill the bath on my own. I sigh when I can't and go back into the bedroom. I hear a knock on the door and see Elise pop her head in.

"Miss Emma? I've come to draw you a bath. The Queen asked me to come down and help you."

I follow Elise into the bathroom and wait for her to draw the bath. Once it's done, she pours in apple scented soap that bubbles up on to the surface. She gestures to the water and I pause, not wanting her to see me naked. But I suppose she saw me last night so I drop the robe and step into the warm water, taking the steps inside the tub until I'm stomach deep. I take a seat on the built in ledge and I go to reach for the soap when Elise gently grabs my hand.

"It's my job to help you out. Did you not have a hand maiden at your castle?" She asks, grabbing the shampoo and squirting it on to her hand.

"Well my parents have servants but I didn't. I do everything myself." I shrug when I feel her hands on my head, starting to massage my scalp. I moan quietly. "Though I could get used to this." 

"Her Majesty has assigned me to be your handmaiden so you will get used to it Miss Emma." She gives a slight chuckle when I moan again. My head has never had this kind of treatment before. I hear a container being filled with water and I feel Elise tip my head back with her fingers under my chin. The water runs down my head but she manages to avoid getting it on my face. When she's done she runs conditioner through my long blonde locks.

"There. We'll let that sit while I wash your body. Stand please Miss Emma." I turn to look at her, staying underneath the cover of the bubbles. She gestures for me to stand and I open my mouth to speak before closing it again. I bite my lip and shake my head.

"I can't. Don't you understand how uncomfortable that makes me?" I ask her and shift further into the water. She gives me a small smile.

"Miss Emma, I am supposed to help you become a proper Princess and be Her Majesty's. You are to follow my instructions when she is not around for you to learn manners." She tells me and her voice takes on a royal tone. 

"Come on Elise. Please don't make me be naked in front of you. I can wash myself." I plead, sitting on a ledge on the other side of the tub.

"Miss Emma, I'm begging you to not force me to get Queen Regina." Elise threatens and I wince. I do not want to make Regina mad so quickly after being punished only last night.

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