Chapter 17

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please read A/N at the end of the chapter


Emma's P.O.V

"I had Rumple create cuffs so you would be able to function with them on." My Queen tells me and I touch one delicately. It's smooth and feels like leather.

"Why would you do that?" I wonder out loud and she looks up at the peering guards.

"You two are dismissed. Go clean yourselves up." Her Majesty orders and they blush before scurrying out with their tails between their legs.

"How else could I have you with me at all times? You're mine Emma, almost like a pet. Think of those as your collar." My Queen says, pointing at the ink black cuffs. She snaps her fingers and a chain appears on them. She yanks me closer to her with it before it disappears. She kisses me, rough and quick.

"All mine."

I'm sure my eyes are wide and doe-like, my libido heightened whenever I'm around her. She's like a damn drug. I want to quit it, use all the power I have but the power is gone with these cuffs on my wrists. I have no motivation to quit this drug.

"Come Emma." My Queen says and begins to walk down the hall. I hesitate for a moment and then scurry after her, my legs still weak. I follow her through the dungeon and up the stairs onto the main floor of the castle. I shield my eyes from all the light coming in through the large windows, faltering for a moment. Once my eyes adjust I look for My Queen and find her twenty paces ahead of me, and I run to catch up. Maids and guards gape and whisper as I pass but I ignore them. I don't have time to worry about them. I only need to worry about my life.

I finally catch up to her and walk just behind her, as if I am her shadow. We go upstairs and down the hall again. We pass my old room, and I peer inside long enough to see it's just how I left it. We walk all the way down the hallway and turn into the corridor that leads to her room. We pass by her odd collection of mirrors that line the corridor and I stare at myself in each one. My skin is sickly pale and my bones are sticking out. My hair is matted against my head and I grimace when I meet my own eyes.

"Emma!" The queen calls and that's when I realize I was staring at myself in a mirror. I run into her room and look around but I can't find her.

"Your Majesty, where are you?" I ask, the name slipping out automatically.

"Come into the bathroom Emma." I hear her low timber call out and I look around until I find the right door. I walk over to the door and find her making a bath for herself.

"Normally I let a maid do this but you smell and I don't have the patience to wait." My Queen informs me.

"The bath is for me, My Queen?" I ask and she nods.

"Get undressed and get in the water." The queen says and I do as she orders. She dumps water over my greasy hair and rubs rose scented shampoo into my hair, massaging my scalp. I don't even blush when she washes my body and I can't help the arousal that stirs in me when her hand moves over my nipples and my sex. As she runs conditioner over my hair I know if I could I'd be purring. The combination of warm water and her presence is like heaven. Once My Queen is done bathing me she gets me out and hands me a towel.

"Get dried off and then dressed, your clothes are right there." She instructs and then leaves the washroom. I do as she says quickly and then walk out into her bed chambers. When I enter the room I don't find her and decide not to do anything but wait. I stare the cuffs and then pull on them, wondering if there is a way to take them off. I don't see a keyhole or anything that would hint as to how to get them off.

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