Chapter 11

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Emma's P.O.V

"You may go do whatever you wish as long as Mulan is with you. She will tell you what are acceptable activities. But when I send for you I need you to come. Understood?" She asks and I nod with a smile.

"Yes Your Majesty." I say and she smiles.

"You're dismissed." She says and I get up and curtsy before leaving with Mulan trailing behind me. 


I wander the halls for a few minutes in silence until I can't stand hearing just the click of my heels on the floor. I stop suddenly and Mulan stops to look at me.

"Are you alright Miss? Do you need me to get a doctor?" She asks, sounding very concerned although her face stays straight and stony. I grab on to her arm and she grasps my arm so I don't fall. I lean down with my other hand and take off my heels, holding on to both of them with one hand.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I just hate heels." I wave away her concern but she doesn't look amused. 

"Well I'm glad I could be of assistance." She says sarcastically. I bark out a laugh and she looks slightly surprised. 

"Have you ever worn heels Mulan?"

"No I have not. I am a warrior. Warriors and soldiers don't wear heels." She says and I nod.

"I wish. I never wanted this. I love sword fighting and horseback riding. But now My Queen has me here and I have no control over anything," I grumble, surprising myself at calling her that. When she doesn't answer right away I look over at her. She looks to be deep in thought and I let her think for a few moments.

"May I be honest with you Emma? Or do you want me to keep my thoughts to myself?"

"Say what you wish."

"You seem to have accepted this life easily." She says and I bite my lip. 

"Well if I don't, I get punished." I tell her.

"Punished?" She sounds almost intrigued.

"Yes. Regina will hurt me if I don't follow her rules." I say and she doesn't answer right away.

"I was not aware of this fact. Do you just know of this or has it happened?" Mulan asks and I can tell she's warming up to me already.

"I was whipped when I tried to escape the first night I was here." I admit and her eyes widen.

"Whipped? That shouldn't be allowed." Mulan whispers and I give a humorless laugh.

"Yes well we're in her castle and she's the queen." I say quietly and as we continue walking we fall into silence. 


Mulan and I are still wandering the halls when we're approached by a maid.

"Excuse me Miss Emma. I'm sorry to interrupt but I was told to tell you that you need to go to your room right now." She says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say and dismiss her. She scurries off quickly and Mulan guides me to my room. 

"I shall leave you here until you need me." Mulan says and closes the door behind me. As usual I wait for the lock to click before continuing on with my business just in case I have a chance. But tonight it would appear I do not and walk over to my bed where I find a beautifully wrapped package and a letter. I leave the package for last when I recognize David's handwriting on the envelope. I open it carefully and unfold the papers inside. 


We miss you greatly and wonder what it is you could possibly be doing at Regina's castle. It's a wonder you haven't come home yet, especially considering that you and her never got along in Storybrooke and didn't speak when we came here. When Henry came back alone we were shocked. When are you coming home Emma?

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