Chapter 25

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Third Person P.O.V

"Please, give it back." Snow begs and Regina's eyes widen with glee.

"Why? So she can try to kill me again?" Regina giggles and Snow swallows back her fear. Snow pulls her bow and an arrow from her back in one fluid motion and points it at Regina.

"Put it back in her now." Snow threatens, her muscles taut with holding the bow steady. But just like always, Regina sees through her.

"You're bluffing. You won't dare shoot me." Regina says, mocking Snow.

"And why shouldn't I?" Snow says, lining the bow up with Regina's heart.

"Because not only do I have your dog, I have this." Regina says, waving her arm in a grand gesture. With a puff of purple smoke Regina reveals a person bound in chains.

"David?" Snow gasps. 

David lifts his head, looking at Snow with despair in his eyes. Her breath is stolen from her lungs and then she lets the arrow fly, not regretting it for a moment. But like from the cheesy action movies she used to watch in the other world, Snow watches as Regina raises a single hand and catches the arrow from the air. Regina snaps the arrow in two and throws it to the ground, slowly turning her head to look Snow in the eye. Fury, completely raw fury blazes in her eyes and Regina's lips turn up into a nasty grin. 

"Well Snow, looks like you asked for it." Regina sneers before making a box appear. She opens it quickly and pulls out a nice red heart. She wraps her slender fingers around the organ, her red fingernails slightly digging into it. Red whimpers and falls to the ground as Regina begins to squeeze and tears form in Snow's eyes as she steps closer. They are merely ten feet away from each other and Snow can see as Regina squeezes again, harder, as the heart beats harsher, wilder as it struggles to stop from failing. Red whines loudly and begins to convulse on the floor.

"No!" Snow screams when she watches Red seize up and Regina stops. 

"Throw the weapon away Snow and maybe we can talk civilly." Regina says and Snow laughs. Red gets back to her feet slowly.

"Talk civilly? We've never been able too." Snow says and notches another arrow. "Kill her and I kill you. I'd like to see you save yourself when you're killing another person." 

"Daring little Snow White. So innocent, they all say. Wouldn't hurt a fly." Regina taunts her but Snow keeps her eyes on Red's heart. 

"Yes, I've changed." Snow says simply. They stare intensely at each other and Snow decides in a moment that things need to be different. With a deep breath, she fires the arrow and it catches Regina in the shoulder. Regina lets out a guttural scream and Snow notches another arrow. 

"You little bitch." She spits at Snow before crushing Red's heart in one quick move. The wolf falls to the ground with a thud and Regina lets the dust go with a nasty glare. Snow screams at her and lets another arrow fly as the dwarfs run into the room. Regina dodges it and rips the other from her shoulder, clenching her jaw at the pain. Her eyes glow purple and sparks fly from her fingertips, crackling up her arms and wind starts to flow around the room. The dwarfs move forward but Regina shoots her arms out, throwing them against the wall. They collapse in a pile, falling over each other and Regina turns to look at David with a malicious look in her eye. 

"Blue!" Snow yells and the fairies fly in through the windows. The wind picks up, whipping Snow's hair and she watches as they try to stop Regina. But it's like she's all powerful, becoming bigger the more magic she uses. They try to stop her but realize it's useless and retreat. Snow's heart drops and she takes a few steps forward, but the wind picks up again. Snow has to stop, trying to see through the dust swirling around her. Suddenly she feels excruciating pain, and the wind ceases as if it was never there. Regina stands right in front of Snow, their noses practically touching as Snow looks down between them.

"Snow!" David screams and Regina flicks her wrist sending him backwards into the wall. Snow only gasps as she watches her husband's body thud to the ground and he moans. He tries to pick himself up but his arms give out. Regina's hand twitches inside Snow's body and her eyes widen, the pain like nothing she's ever felt. 

"How does it feel, Snow? How does it feel to know that you watched your friend die and now you're going to die?" Regina asks, her voice oddly calm. A single tear drips down Snow's cheek.

"Please, stop." Snow chokes out. 

"Begging isn't going to help you now." Regina spits into Snow's face. The wind picks up once more, roaring in Snow's ears and suddenly she knows. She knows that she failed. She knows that she's going to die. She knows that Emma is still going to be trapped with this woman. She notices the way Regina's eyes glow and her hand tightens on Snow's heart as she gets ready to pull it out. 

"STOP!" The command comes clearly through the wind and both women's heads snap to the side, looking at the source of the voice. Emma stands at the door and watches the chaos in front of her. Her green eyes flit from the dwarfs, to Red, to David, and back to Regina and Snow. Neither woman moves and Emma stands there, her hands clenching. 

"Remove your hand from her chest." Emma commands and Regina cackles loudly.

"Excuse me?" Regina spits at her. "I don't listen to you. You listen to me. You are my pet." 

"I-I-I..." Emma tries, her brain short-circuiting slightly. All of Regina's training starts to crash down onto her and it feels like a physical person pushing on her. Her knees buckle with the weight of it all and she grimaces.

"Emma, help me." Snow gasps out, glancing over at Emma and then back at Regina.

"Mom. I want to help you. I will." Emma says, standing back up and then walking over to Regina. She reaches out to pull Regina's hand out of her mother's chest. But when her hand touches Regina's arm she flies backwards, her feet going over her head. She hits the wall like her father a little while earlier and slides to the ground.

"You can't help anyone. You're worthless." Regina says to Emma, the words stabbing into Emma's heart. Regina's eyes are cold and black, narrowed in Emma's direction.

"Let us leave Regina, and nothing else bad will happen." Snow grits out, her whole body tense since Regina's hand is still inside Snow's chest.

"I'm keeping your daughter for myself. She's a wonderful pet." Regina says, ripping out Snow's heart. Snow clutches at the spot where Regina's hand was and her face is crestfallen. 

"Please, My Queen, spare her." Emma tries in desperation, not caring that her mother is standing there watching them.

"And if I did? What do you have to offer me?" Regina asks, holding Snow's beating heart out in the open. Emma eyes it up, thinking about how she could jump forward and get it- 

You can't beat her, the voice says, and she knows it's right.

"Myself, no arguments, no fighting, only submission. My parents leave and so do their friends, without any more bloodshed."

"I already have you, so no deal." Regina fake pouts, and then her long slim fingers begin to squeeze Snow's delicate heart. Snow gasps loudly, putting her hands against her chest as she struggles with the immense pain she suddenly feels.

"No!" Emma screams and suddenly Emma's collar glows gold and then brilliant white before breaking off with a shattering noise. Regina stares wide eyed and Emma then glows a white-gold colour, her whole being shining with it. A noise that can only be described as whistling is the only thing you can hear and Regina freezes in place. The white light becomes brighter and brighter until everyone has to shut their eyes. It encompasses the whole room and the ground beneath their feet begins to shake with incredible earthquake-like shakes. 


so I decided to do 2 smaller chapters instead of one big one since y'all were complaining about only one chapter left ;) 

so now there is one chapter left and I'm not budging on it! 

if this good enough to suffice for another week, please vote and comment ;) :)

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