Chapter 6

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Emma's P.O.V

"Get up." She says, making me groan. Even though she healed me I still feel like I've run a fifteen mile marathon.

"I just want to sleep." I grumble. I hear her sigh before she grabs hold of my shirt, tugging on it. She may be small but she's strong and she pulls me a few inches off the ground before dropping me.

"Get up and I might go easier on you." She tells me in a quiet voice and I pull myself off the ground. My eyes are closed but I smell the earthy smell of apples and I open my eyes, seeing a rack set in front of the fire place. I eye it warily and shuffle away from it.

"What is that?" I ask, looking from it to her and back again.

"Just a nifty contraption I set up." Regina tells me.

"What is it for?" I ask warily, taking larger steps toward the door. 

"Why don't you take a guess?" Regina says, finally moving her dark gaze from the fireplace to my slowly escaping form. I freeze in place, not wanting her to lash out at me.

"I'm good, thanks. Maybe next time?" I shrug, giving her a weak smile and she gives me a full, hearty laugh. She shakes her head slowly, her ponytail swishing back and forth. 

"Oh Emma. How witty you must think you are." Regina says as she turns her head towards mine. She walks over to me, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the large wooden frame. When we get closer I can see ropes or something dangling from the top. I gulp, dragging my feet. When we get close enough she lets go of me before moving her hand in a circular motion. A great swirling mass of purple smoke envelopes me and I cough, trying to make my way out of it. Suddenly it feels like a great storm is taking place in Regina's bedroom and I yelp when it pushes me. The wind ceases in seconds, taking with it the earthy smoke and allowing me too see again. I go to push my hair out of my eyes but my hands are stuck.

"What the hell..." I mumble before looking up to where I am now suspended in mid-air. My arms are stretched above me and restrained tightly, not allowing me to move at all. I look down and see my feet have been stripped of my boots and my bare feet dangle in the air. My body is in a Y formation, completely accessible. I look over at Regina who is staring at me, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Perfect." She says quietly, the word barely reaching my ears.

"Perfect? How the hell is this perfect? Let me down right now." I growl at her, pulling at the restraints. My muscles strain at the effort but nothing works. They don't even loosen.

"You think you'd learn." Regina says angrily, stepping forward. Her hand meets my cheek with a loud crack and my head whips to the side. My mouth hangs open in shock and my cheek starts to throb. "And I give the orders." 

"Regina, I don't understand what's going on! I've never done anything to you." I say weakly, sagging against the restraints already. She looks at me, her eyes narrowed. Her fingers snap and I feel a sudden chill. I look down and my pants are completely gone.

"Your skull must be quite thick dear. How many times have I told you not to call me Regina?" She spits and I swallow, my throat thick. My breaths come quicker now as I start to become afraid. What has gotten into her?

"I, I'm sorry?" I stammer, trying to fix my mistake. She raises one eyebrow and I take it as a hint to try again.

"I'm sorry... My Queen?" I say again and she nods her head.

"And progress is made. Congratulations Emma. Too bad I still need to punish you for trying to run away." She shrugs and I start to panic.

"P-please don't. I was just trying to get home." I stammer again. I'm never stuttered before and I scold myself.

A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now