Chapter 20

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I glance back to see a storm begin to roll in.

"Are you causing this?" I ask her, my voice squeaking out.

"Of course I am. I am so much stronger than your parents, and you." Regina says calmly, her head tilting creepily to the side. "Now, I will fully break you."

"Good luck with that." I say, some part of my resolve coming back.

"I don't need luck." She grins, her teeth shining in the dark. Lightning flashes outside as her laughter echoes through the room.

I watch in horrible fascination as she walks over to me, her feet making no noise. I go to get up but she reaches out with her scary fast reflexes and grabs onto my neck, pulling me to her. Her fingers squeeze just barely on my delicate throat and I choke, a gasping noise coming from my mouth.

She walks through the balcony doors with my body dangling from her hand. The shock of freezing rain hits me and I'm thoroughly soaked within seconds. Water drips into my eyes as I stare at Regina. I've never seen her this angry, and I'm terrified down to my bones. I must have kicked her hard. The rain doesn't seem to touch her, her hair still flying around her and her body remaining almost completely dry. I kick and flail to try and get back to solid ground but it doesn't work. Lightning lights up the black sky and thunder crashes as I struggle to pull in breaths.

"Maybe I'll let you drop off this balcony. I don't need you." Regina says, her quiet voice loud and clear in my ears. Wind whips my hair around my face and I can't tell if the moisture on my face is all rain or if I'm crying.

"Please." I croak out, wheezing.

"Please what?" Regina asks, her voice low and throaty.

"Please let me live, My Queen." I get out, and in that moment I can feel the air change. My words are tangible objects in that moment and when lightning flashes it hits them, causing the world to become blindingly bright. I feel Regina's hand release my poor neck and I begin to fall. I can't even scream as the wind roars in my ears and the rain feels like knives slicing at my skin.

My landing is harsh but oddly enough I know that I'm alive. My aches and pains are even more evident and I open my eyes to take in my surroundings. I recognize the dungeon soon enough and begin to cry when I see it.

"Please don't leave me down here!" I scream, my eyes closed as tears leak from them. I don't know when I fall asleep but eventually I end up unconscious. I wake up and I don't know how much time has passed. This is like the first time I ended up in this hell hole. The only thing I get for days on end is a glass of water. I don't know how much time passes before I wake up one day and find Regina... My Queen sitting outside my cell. She looks at me with disgust on her face and I scramble up into a sitting position.

"Well I let you live. What are you going to do for me?" She asks bluntly, glancing down at her nails as if she's bored with me already.

"Anything you wish, My Queen." I whisper reluctantly.

"That's just what I thought you'd say." My Queen grins triumphantly. She stands up from her chair and flicks her wrist, the cell door swinging open.

"Stand." She demands, and I do as asked immediately. My Queen summons a tub of water and points at it.

"Wash yourself. You smell disgusting." Her perfect nose wrinkles and I rush to peel off my nightgown and get into the tub. I wash quickly and then stand before her. She hands me a towel and I dry off without her needing to tell me.

"Turn and face the wall." She twirls her finger and I quickly spin, holding the towel to my body. I feel a warm rush of air and suddenly my hair is dry. It's long enough to brush my bum now and I feel her hands rake through it. I shiver slightly at the pleasant touch and feel her pull on it. After a minutes she turns me back around herself and I reach up to feel a tightly done braid.

A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now