Chapter 10

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I will not be able to update next Tuesday because I will be gone on a trip for my ringette team. I'm super excited to go but I don't want to deprive you guys so here's an early update :)


Emma's P.O.V

I open the door quietly and slip through. The guard on the other side spares me a quick glance before looking away and I feel an embarrassed blush spread over my whole body. I walk quickly to my room and get past the guard outside my room quickly. I still hear his harshly whispered "whore" right before he closes the door.

I walk over to my bed and tuck myself under the covers after throwing the damn corset at the wall. I let tears run down my face as I think about how awful I am. I let Regina use me and throw me away like a broken doll. I am nothing but a whore. A punching bag and a s.ex toy for the Evil Queen. All because I had to be the saviour and come get Henry. I should've left him alone and I wouldn't be in this mess. I cry until I pray the night never ends and I drift into a fitful sleep.


The next morning comes peacefully with beautiful sunshine and a warm room. I sit up and yawn while stretching, giving a satisfied groan. I open my eyes and the spell is broken. I remember where I am, what's going on, and what happened last night. My heart shatters as I think of Regina and what she did. What I did. Tears flood my eyes but I don't allow them to fall. I need to be strong. I need to put on a brave face. I go to the bathroom and then crawl back into bed, curling into a ball. My lonely peace is interrupted by a harsh banging on the door.

"Emma! Elise is here to see you." A male voice calls out but I don't answer.

"Miss Emma? Are you in here?" Elise asks in a much quieter voice but I still ignore her.

"What's this odd ball under the- Oh. Emma. What are you doing underneath the blankets?"


"It doesn't seem like nothing." Elise sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Don't worry about it." I mumble.

"If you say so." Elise lets the subject go easily and eases me out of bed. We run through typical hygiene things such as bathing and getting ready and Elise guides me down for breakfast in a simple dress made of pink silk material. When we enter the room Regina's sitting at the table and Elise curtsies so I copy her. When I look up at Regina she gives me a calculated smile and I drop my gaze.

"Come sit down Emma." Regina says and pulls out a chair for me. Elise gives me a nudge and I stumble a bit before continuing on to sit down.

"Thank you Elise. You are dismissed." Regina says and Elise curtsies once more before exiting the room. We sit in silence until some servants bring us food and Regina dismisses them as well. I eat slowly and quietly, making sure my back is straight and I don't slurp my drink. Today I can't find the will to fight. I don't want to do anything but follow orders, which isn't me. It isn't me at all.

"You look very good Emma and I see you've caught on to my eating rules quickly." Regina comments and I spare her a quick glance and nod.

"Did you sleep well?" Regina asks and I almost shake my head no. Since I really don't feel like explaining myself I just nod again. There is a small moment of silence before I notice Regina isn't eating anymore. I look up at her and I notice she's just staring at me. I stop eating and look back at her.

"Is something wrong My Queen?" I ask quietly and she just keeps on looking at me. Finally she breaks her silence.

"You seem different today Emma."

A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now