Chapter 2

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Emma's P.O.V

One of his hands leave the mug he was cradling and place it on the letter. He pulls it across the table and stares at it, not opening the seal with the apple on it.

"Do you want me to leave you alone while you read it? 'Cause I'll leave." I gesture to the door with my thumb and give him a reassuring smile.

"Actually, yes. I think that's a good idea." Henry says, not lifting his eyes from the letter.

"Okay kid. I'll be with your grandparents, alright?" I tell him and he nods. I stand up and step away from the table before turning around again and going over to Henry. I ruffle his hair and give him a quick hug. I turn around and leave the room, closing the door behind me just as I hear a seal being popped open.


"So he's reading it now?" David asks, sitting in a large chair beside a fire place.

"Yes. I gave him some alone time with it. I thought he deserved it. He hasn't read any of the letters she's sent him these past two years." I tell them, splayed out on the floor. Snow's head rests on David's knee, her night gown flowing around her as David runs his hands through her hair. He wears some simple trousers and a comfortable shirt, looking very casual and relaxed.

"Well sure he does. I'm just not sure he should be reading it in the first place. What could the letter possibly say?" Snow says, looking concerned. I turn my eyes that have been staring at the ceiling to look at her.

"I don't know but unlike what you believe, he should be reading it. It's his and he deserves to do what he wishes with it. Stop arguing with me. Okay?" I raise my eyebrows and they sigh collectively. They share a glance and they have a silent conversation in that fleeting moment.

"Okay, fine. But Emma, you still need to beware of Regina. I doubt she's changed from the evil she always was." David says and I just take a deep breath before sighing. 

"Listen, I know you guys are trying to be parents and all but I can make my own decisions. I have been for the past thirty years. I'm pretty sure I can help make decisions for my son." I push myself up, leaning on my arms. Snow frowns a little and David just looks at me with sad eyes. I give my head a slight shake and push myself to my feet.

"I'm going back to our area to see what's going on with him. Goodnight you guys." I say and start to leave.

"Emma wait." Snow stops me at the door and I turn around. She gets to her feet before making her way over to me. She places her hands on my biceps, rubbing slightly.

"Listen, sweetheart, we don't want to parent for you. We just want to help. Please just let us help sometimes." She places a light kiss on my forehead.

"Fine, mom." I say quietly and she smiles at me. "Now goodnight. I need to go back to Henry. He has school tomorrow and I don't know if he's sleeping yet or not."

I leave quickly, almost running back there. I want to know desperately what's in that letter and I will only read it once he's asleep.

I slip through the doors quietly, cringing to myself when the door creaks as I'm closing it. I don't see Henry anywhere in the living quarters or dining area. I walk over to his door, opening it only a crack to poke my head in. I see Henry lying in bed, his lips slightly parted and light snores coming from his mouth. I smile to myself before closing the door again and turning around. I see the brown parchment of the letter lying on the table, inviting me to read it. The swirling black ink makes me smile. Regina's writing has always been perfect and graceful. I lightly ghost my fingertips over the parchment before picking it up.

A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now