Chapter 1

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Regina's P.O.V

I lean on the balcony railing just off my bed chambers, trying to see something of my dear boy. But all I can see is trees. I stride back into the castle, relying on some good old magic to see what's going on. I waved my hand at  the mirror above my make-up table, the reflection of it shimmering like a wave pool until a clear picture comes into place. Henry is with David, practicing his sword-fighting. The sun glints off the sword and hits my eyes, causing me to look away. When my eyes go back to the picture laying out before me, I see Emma and Snow in the background; they are watching the boys from a distance. 

Emma smiles at Henry, proud of the now teenage boy skillfully brandishing the sword. David has obvious strength over him even after having not picked one up for 28 years. Two years of practice must have brought the muscle memory back. Snow gazes at her Prince Charming lovingly and I sneer, making the picture disappear with a flick of my wrist. Snow's happy after everything I've done and I'm still alone, bound to waste my days away like criminals in a dungeon.

"Graham!" I call out and the huntsman comes running. When the curse broke a few summers ago, what had happened there was reversed. His heart magically reformed, which I was thankful for. I just couldn't let him go though; I needed someone for me.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" He asks, covered in one of my knight's uniforms. He waits at the door until I gesture for him to come in.

"I need you to do something for me." I tell him, standing up from the plush chair in front my make-up table. He raises one eyebrow at me and I motion him to come closer. He walks over to me, his boots clicking on the polished floor. Graham stops a few feet away from me, standing straight and waiting for my command. I smile inwardly. It may be because of fear but people still listen to me.

"What is it you wish for me to do?" He asks tentatively. 

"Run this to my boy, Henry." A puff of purple smoke leaves a letter resting in my hand and I give it to Graham. He takes it from me and tucks it into a pocket of his.

"Of course, my Queen." He says to me. I wave him away with a smile and he bows before exiting quickly.  I walk out onto my balcony again, watching as Graham leaves the castle on horseback. His body exits my view quickly, the thick forest surrounding the castle covering him like a blanket.

"Oh Henry, please read the letter. Don't ignore me again." I plead to the air before going back inside.


Emma's P.O.V

I watch the sun beat down on Henry and David as they spar, sweat glistening on their faces. The sun slowly crawls across the sky, until they were grew tired and we are about to head inside for a family meal. Just when we are going to  cross the threshold into the palace I hear the sound of a horse's hooves pounding on the earth. I turn around, grabbing Henry and pushing him behind me as I do so. I squint my eyes against the sun, walking back out onto the grounds. My boots crush the dry leaves as the man stops the horse and slides off. I cock my head to the side, trying to the place the man before he turns around. 

"Graham?" I ask, stepping closer to him. He turns around, giving me a slow smile.

"Hello Princess Emma." He says, taking a few steps closer to me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, not bothering to correct him. How many times do I have to tell people not to call me that?

 "I have brought a message for the young lad." He tells me, bringing a piece of parchment out of his pocket. He hands it to me and I take it, slightly wary.

"I'm guessing this is from Regina?" I question him and he nods. I let the note hang at my side, looking at Graham with sad eyes.

"Can I ask you a question Graham?" His eyebrows pull together in confusion at my question.

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