Chapter 24

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Snow's P.O.V

"I think we should storm the place, take her by surprise." Grumpy proposes.

"Nothing surprises Regina. We'd never be able to storm the place." I say, immediately dismissing it.

"I think we should merely prepare. Get everyone to their potential and then call in the fairies. They helped us before, they'll be able to help us again." David says. No one disagrees.

"Fine. Everyone begins training by tomorrow. We're going for her in a weeks time." I say and then get up and leave the hall without another word.


Third Person P.O.V

One week later

Snow and her companions readied themselves for battle, saddling up horses and sharpening weapons. It was a brisk morning but even through the the clouds you could see a full moon they were going to use to their advantage. Snow gathered arrows and slung her bow over her shoulder while David slipped his sword into its holder. The dwarfs readied their pick-axes and Red adjusted her cape, ready to lose it at the last moment. They were awaiting Blue to finalize their plans. Finally the blasted fairy arrived and Snow went to greet her.

"Blue." Snow said shortly, giving her a forced smile.

"Snow." Blue responds, nodding her head. Frankly, they would be fine to stay out of each other's way but Regina is a common enemy. Ever since she found out about the wardrobe she didn't want to ever speak to Blue again.

"Are your fairies ready? Do they understand their part?" Snow asks and Blue nods.

"We're all prepared. Do you remember the signal?" Blue responds. They take a few minutes to figure it out before Blue disappears and Snow joins everyone awaiting on their horses.

"Are we ready to head out?" She asks the group and everyone nods. Snow mounts her steed and they all turn to the forest, where Regina's castle lays a day ride away.

"Let's go." David says and they follow him and Snow into the forest.


Regina gazes into her mirror, watching as Snow and her group of fools sets out. They're coming for her, for Emma and Regina has maybe a day to prepare. She sends for her hidden secret and Graham comes in.

"Snow and her band of misfits is coming here." She tells him and he shrugs.

"What does that have to do with me?" He shrugs.

"Oh you're merely a secret weapon. Don't forget, I own a simple little thing." Regina says, laying her hand over Graham's heart. He shudders slightly and takes a step back from her. Her lips curl up into a nasty sneer.

"Take this mutt back to his cell and get me the captain of the guard." Regina calls out and immediately two guards walk in to take away Graham. Another comes in a few moments later.

"Your Majesty?"

"Prepare the troops, we have a battle coming tomorrow." She say simply. He nods.

"What does the other army look like Your Majesty?"

"About a group of ten."

"That's all?" He asks, scoffing.

"They are a group of well trained fighters." Regina admits reluctantly, her face marred with a frown. "Apart from that, they have a werewolf and probably other back up magic."

"Understood, Your Majesty. I will ready your men." He says and leaves the room. Regina paces her bed chamber, her midnight black gown swishing around her legs. She mumbles under her breath, and when Elise enters the room she balks at seeing the composed woman breaking down before her eyes. It takes her a moment to remember what she came in for.

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