Chapter 15

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Emma's P.O.V

I start to write up a note to Rumple about what just happened and let my mind just write, my brain almost shutting down on me. This only happens when I begin to write the weird letters and when I snap out of it I find I've written my letter to him and then an odd assortment of the letters. I find myself staring at them, trying my best to figure out what they say. I've done this countless times and come up short but this time I see them transforming before my eyes. I see them change into regular letters and I read them out loud. Once I'm done the letter vanishes in a cloud of white smoke and I realize that I've probably just sent Rumple the letter.

"Oh Emma. What did you do to yourself now?" I murmur to myself and stare at my hands.


Regina's P.O.V

I walk into Emma's room, intent on satisfying myself with her glorious body. I know she wants to touch me so I'm thinking this will finally give her the opportunity. I enter the room quietly even though it's the evening and expect to find Emma sitting on the window seat but instead find her on the floor, her body laid out and she's on her stomach. I watch her for a minute as she writes something, her hand moving very fast and her focus almost unbreakable. I don't move from where I am, only gently closing the door behind me so I don't disturb her. I see her hand slow down and then she stares at it for a moment before speaking something I don't recognize as English. A cloud of white smoke puffs up and the paper disappears as I watch incredulously.

"When were you going to tell me you have magic?" I ask her innocently and her head pops up to look at mine, her eyes wide with surprise.

"I um, I..." She stumbles for words and I give her a wicked grin. I walk closer to Emma and she scrambles up to sit on her heels. I reach down and grab at the books she has beside her. Papers stick out the side and I pull those out first. They are covered in strange lettering that I feel I have seen before but I have no clue as to what they could say.

"What is this?" I ask Emma and she opens and closes her mouth a few times but she says nothing.

"Do not make me repeat myself." I snarl at her. Fear swims in her green eyes and I wait for her to answer me.

"This is your last chance Miss Swan." There is a pregnant pause where she simply stares at me with shock in her eyes. I sigh with false sadness. "Fine."

I snap my fingers and there is my signature smell of apples and purple smoke. Emma ends up in her bed, tied face down to the bedposts. Her bare backside welcomes the taste of my whip and I grip the leather handle tightly. Her head turns to look at me and I see how her eyes have turned dark.

"Are you sure you want to see it coming?" I ask her curiously but she doesn't say anything. The only response I get is the slight flexing of her arm and back muscles as she grabs onto the ropes. I pull the whip back and let it fly, the cracking noise like music to my ears. Her back splits like butter, red blood welling up on her skin as she lets out a yelp. I continue on like this, getting a sick sense of satisfaction from seeing the red ribbons pop up on her back. When I finish with her I drop the whip on the ground and leave her like that.


"RUMPLESTILTSKIN!" I bellow once I'm in my room, outraged. I know he's behind this, whatever is happening with Emma. I pace back and forth across the floor, my heels clicking and my hands balled into fists.

"You called for me dearie?" The imp asks, and I turn on him with fire in my eyes.

"What did you do to Emma?" I spit, watching his eyes dance with amusement. He's sitting on a chair, his smug little face making me want to strangle him.

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