Chapter 18

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Regina's P.O.V

"Harder, my little pet." I growl and she quickens her pace, entering another finger. One hand fisted in her long blonde hair, I dig my nails into her skin hard enough to draw blood. I can't remember the last time I've felt like this. Emma's mouth trails down my abdomen and finds its target at my clit, her tongue flicking the little nub. I moan loudly, pulling harder on her hair. She sucks it into her mouth and my eyes roll back into my head. Her pace quickens and she sucks harder on my clit, a hand reaching up to play with a sensitive nipple. It doesn't take me long to come, crying out her name. I pant as I revel in ecstasy and I feel her tongue at my entrance, licking at my orgasm. I look down at her and see her sinfully green eyes gaze up at me. I pull her up by her hair, eliciting a gasp from her swollen red lips.

"My turn." I say before kissing her, sticking a finger into her wetness.


"We found him wandering the grounds and questioned him. Found gold and jewels in his bag." A guard tells me as I sit in my throne room. 

"Bring him forward." I say, curious as to who could have stolen from me without my knowledge. The double doors to the throne room open and I watch as two guards drag forward a struggling man. They throw him to his knees in front of me and I lift my chin at him, a sneer on my face.

"State your name." I demand, my voice booming through the room.

"I don't answer to you." He growls, looking up at me.

"You are dirty and disgusting, and trying to steal from me. Speak or you'll regret your actions." I say calmly, my fingers holding onto my throne arm tightly. His rugged appearance makes my lip curl. Men and their need for facial hair.

"I'm Robin Hood." He finally says, wavering under her gaze.

"Why is that familiar?" I ask, and he smirks at my statement.

"Robin Hood, the man who steals from the rich to give to the poor. A heartfelt thief." One guard tells me, his words kind but the tone smearing the man.

"Ah yes, that's where I know you from. Where did you think you could get away with stealing from me?" I stand, coming down the steps to stand right in front of Robin.

"I've gotten away from stealing from all royals. I thought you deserved your turn." He shrugs, appearing brave. But I can smell his fear.

"Deserved my turn?" I laugh harshly. "I am more powerful than all of those royals."

"So powerful you got banished to this little corner of the land?" Robin taunts me, making my temper flare. I bare my teeth as I gestures with my hand. Robin begins to cough and choke as I squeeze my hand in a "C".

"Do you need a demonstration of how powerful I am?" I ask sweetly, and he does his best to shake his head and say no. I let him go, and he sucks in air desperately. "That's what I thought."

"The oh-so-powerful Evil Queen. You've got a nice show of bravado."

"Why were you trying to steal from me?" I ask, redirecting the conversation.

"It was your turn, and I tend not to turn down a dare." He shrugs.

"You attempted to steal from me because of a dare? You foolish man." I laugh at him, the evil cackle making him cower.

"I was going to give the gold to a family expecting a child, and use the jewels for a new horse for a neighbor." Robin says, hoping to gain sympathy points from me.

"You think I care about your peasant friends? That mistake just might cost you dearly." I pout at him and begin to think of different ways to hurt him.

A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now