Chapter 9

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Emma's P.O.V

"Fine. You're dismissed." Regina says, leaning back on the bed. I walk to the door and give a hasty curtsy before exiting quickly. Some of the guards whistle as I walk past in my lingerie. I only scowl and get into a run. Once at my own door I try to run past the guard but he stops me.

"Let me past. This is my room." I say sternly and he laughs at me.

"What are you? The Queen's whore?" He gives another chuckle and I gape at him. 

"Fine go on in for some rest before she calls you back to her bedroom chambers." He opens the door.

"Asshole." I spit at him before stomping past. He closes the door behind me and locks it. I try to take off the corset and sigh when I can't do it on my own. I throw myself on to the bed and look out the window to pass the time. 


A knock on the door takes me from a mental story I was writing about escaping this place.

"Come in. I can't open the door." I yell, not bothering to get up. I'm still laying in this damn corset and my underwear because I can't get out of it and I'm too lazy to put on anything else. I've been laying in this same position for about two hours, watching the end of sunset and being bored out of my mind.

"Miss Emma, I'm here to take you to Regina." I hear Elise tell me and I groan. 

"And what if I don't wanna go to her?" I ask and she laughs.

"You don't have a choice. Come on now, let's go." Elise gestures towards the door and I get up off the bed.

"Wait. Can you help me change?" I ask and stop before I get to the door. Elise nods her head and grabs me a night gown.

"What about the corset?" I whine, just holding the tiny slip of fabric in my hands.

"No time to worry about that Emma. Queen Regina wants to see you right now. Put that on or don't, it's time to go." Elise says. "I'm giving you three seconds."

I quickly slip it on and follow Elise out the door. I glare at the guard as we walk past and I hear him mumble something about me being a whore as I walk away.

"Can I get a new guard? That one keeps calling me Regina's whore." I ask Elise and she gives me a pointed look. I sigh before correcting myself. "That one keeps calling me Her Majesty's whore."

"Yes I'll get on that. And I'll make sure to tell why you need him replaced."

"Thank you." I tell her before trying to pull down my night gown and then pull it up again.

"Why didn't you pick me a night gown that was longer?" I whine. I want to pull it down because it's so short but I want to pull it up because it shows so much cleavage.

"They're all the same Emma." Elise tells me as we continue walking and I groan. 

"Maybe I am just her whore." I grumble and Elise stops dead in her tracks.

"Emma, do not call yourself that. Have you had sex with her yet?" My eyes widen and I gape at her.

"No!" I exclaim.

"Exactly. Now come on." She takes my hand and finishes taking me to Regina's room. She knocks on the door and Regina calls for the two of us to come in. Elise opens the door and pushes me in, leaving me all alone with Regina. 

"Oh good, Emma. It's nice to see you." I look up to see her sitting on her bed, covered in a red bathrobe.

"You saw me two hours ago." I joke quietly and she smiles at me.

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