On our way

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*Elises point of view*

Alfie had booked all the tickets, we'd convinced my parents and his were going away on Wednesday for work so they didn't complain. I was now packing - we were going away for two weeks and it was the hottest April we'd seen in a decade, it was high 20's so I felt like I was packing for a summer holiday - it  made it that little bit more exciting.

'ALFIE' I yelled he was downstairs playing play station with my brother.. 'COME HERE NOW'

I heard foot steps 'Yes my dear' he said sarcastically'

'I need help' I pouted. He sighed 'Come on then'

He opened up my empty suitcase and started putting in all the neatly folded clothes from my draw - I just ended packing every single out fit I owned.. You never know what you might need. 

'Okay that is everything you own in there.. Can I go pack now?' Alfie said laughing

'A girl needs to be prepared! And yes go on then but hurry home!' 

'Will do' he called jogging down stairs, I heard the front door click. I went to my under wear draw he had so politely left that to me I chucked in bras and knickers and then came across the letter..

Tears sprung to my eyes. It was addressed to Alfie.. I had never explained this part to him.. I put it into the side pocket of my case, determined to finally tell him everything.

Is this reality? (Youtuber fanfiction - Alfie Deyes, Jack and Finn Harries)Where stories live. Discover now