hit the road Jack

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*10,000 reads is so so so crazy thank you all millions and millions - comment etc xoxo*

*Elises point of view*

There was a knock on my door and I grinned, I was so ready for tonight, I opened and Alfie leant against the frame, I swallowed and just stared at him he smiled down at me and hugged me tightly. I went up on my tippy toes, he whispered 'you look so beautiful' I smled onto his shoulder 'why thankyou mr.Bond, you look very dapper yourself' he took my hand and we headed out down stairs. Sophie and Jack walked out of their room and she grinned at me running over and hugging me and saying 'awh you look even prettier in real life'

'as do you baby' I swueezed her I had literally made the best friends ever over night, Jack put his arms round both our necks and kissed my cheek 'you both look stunning. We all walked down the stairs laughing and chatting before we walked out into the lobby. It had been transofmed all black and silver decor very swarve and red roses covered every surface. 

The rest of the group were huddeled in the centre of the ball room and the room was filled with other hotel guests. Everyone looked amazing, the guys had all made a huge effort with suits and ties. I made  my way round everyone hugging and being told I looked beautiful. This was the best I had EVER felt about myself and it was an amazing feeling not having the feeling of concern that I wasn't good enough, or pretty enough or the boys wouldn't like me or the girls wouldn't want to be my friend as it is something that hangs over all of us but in this circle of people I felt comfortable. I felt pretty and I know that sounds awfully vain but they made me feel this way..

I felt supported which is something I have lacked at some point - not through the fault of the people but my own nature to shut up and not talk but right here right now I constantly had someones arm round me and someone to turn to a giggle with and it was the best feeling ever. I just kept catching Alfies eye and grinning and I knew he was happy because I was and it felt so good to be making him feel better rather than worse.

*Alfies point of view*
We all stood around holding our drinks chit chatting before the meal and dancing and Elise was light up for the first time in so long. I just spen the whole time looking at her looking so happy. It was the best thing ever to watch

Is this reality? (Youtuber fanfiction - Alfie Deyes, Jack and Finn Harries)Where stories live. Discover now